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Heat information is conducted through neurones. Higher frequency action potentials are perceived in the brain as a hotter stimulus. So the heated rod would have sent higher-frequency action potentials than the cool rod would have.

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Q: How did the action potential generated with the unheated rod compare to the generated with the heated rod?
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Where in a neuron can an action potential be generated?

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Where does an action potential start?

Action potentials are generated on a part of the neuron called the 'axon hillock' - the proximal most portion of the axon.

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Gap Junctions in the cell spread the action potential to nearby cells.

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Each normal heartbeat in initiated by the?

Each heartbeat begins with an action potential generated at the sinoatrial node or simple call the SAnode.

Why is the action potential generated in neurons only?

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An action potential is propagated in a neuron through the activation of various voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion channels. Examples include sodium and calcium channels and nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors.