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French was an internal revolution that resulted in a complete restructuring of society. In america, all they had to to was keep fighting until the british ran out of money. When they won, the only thing that changed in day to day life was who taxes went to.

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13y ago

there is not really a difference because they both were for liberty against the british :)))))

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Q: How did the American Revolution differ from the French Revolution?
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What ways are the french revolution and american revolution differ?

Nadia Iqbal.

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ok i don't know why everyone calls the french and Indian war the french revolution cause there was a french revolution but the french revolution is differ from American revolution and french and Indian war was fought in new franceand the colonist moved there wanted freedom caused a war and french helped them defeat british

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The French Revolution happened during 1789-1799 and the American Revolution happened during 1775-1783. So the French Revolution happened before the American Revolution.

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It didn't. The American Revolution was over before the French Revolution began.

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The French Revolution is most likely to be compared to the American Revolution because the French peasants had gotten the idea of the American's Constitution and the idea of rebelling from the leader.

What significant american event helped inspire the french revolution?

It was the American Revolution, and its success, that significantly inspired the French Revolution. The French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799.

What best describes a difference between the French and American revolutions?

The American Revolution created a lasting form of liberal government, while the French Revolution did not.

Did the French or American or Russian Revolution come first?

The American Revolution came first in 1776, followed by the French Revolution in 1789 and the Russian Revolution in 1917.

how were the french revolution and american revolution different?

The American Revolution succeeded in establishing the long-term representative government while the French Revolution eventually produced a dictator (Napoleon Bonaparte). The American Revolution was different from the French revolution because the Americal revolution was a revolt against a colonial power. The French revolution was an uprising against the appression imposed by Members of the titled nobility.