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Q: How did the slavery that occurred in Africa prior to European contact differ from the slavery that occurred as a result of the trans-Atlantic trade system?
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What is the differences between African and European slavery?

African slavery primarily involved the enslavement of individuals through capture in warfare or as punishment for crimes, with slaves often having some rights. European slavery, on the other hand, was based on race and involved the transatlantic slave trade, where Africans were forcibly taken to the Americas to work on plantations with no rights or freedoms. Additionally, African slavery existed within African societies, whereas European slavery was imposed on Africans by European colonizers.

How did the institution of African slavery evolve?

The institution of African slavery evolved through a combination of factors such as the transatlantic slave trade, European colonialism, and the demand for labor in the Americas. Initially, Africans were enslaved by other Africans, but the transatlantic slave trade facilitated the mass transportation of Africans to the Americas to work on plantations. This system of forced labor became entrenched in the economies of European colonies and later the United States, shaping the institution of slavery as it is known today.

Why was there a transatlantic trade in humans?

The transatlantic trade in humans, known as the Atlantic slave trade, was driven by European demand for labor in the American colonies. Africans were forcibly captured and sold into slavery to work on plantations and in mines, providing cheap labor that was crucial for the economic prosperity of European colonizers. This system persisted for centuries, fueled by greed, racism, and the belief in the superiority of certain races.

Who introduced slavery to the africans?

Slavery existed in Africa before Europeans arrived, with various indigenous societies practicing forms of servitude or slavery. The transatlantic slave trade, which involved the mass forced migration of Africans to the Americas, was initiated and perpetuated by European nations beginning in the 15th century.

What was the difference between Africa and European attitudes toward slaves?

African attitudes towards slavery were more diverse, with variations across different regions and cultures. Slavery in Africa was often a form of social organization or a result of warfare. European attitudes towards slavery were largely driven by economic motives, with a focus on using slaves for labor in colonies and plantations. Additionally, European involvement in the transatlantic slave trade contributed to the mass exploitation and dehumanization of African slaves.

Why did africans sell africans into slavery?

Africans engaged in the transatlantic slave trade for various reasons, including economic incentives, political power struggles, and exploitation by European colonizers. Some African leaders and traders saw an opportunity to acquire goods, weapons, and power through selling captives to European slave traders. It is important to note that the responsibility for the transatlantic slave trade is shared among European colonizers, African leaders, and traders who all played a role in perpetuating this inhumane practice.

What occurred the abolition of slavery?

i think it means end .

What occurred in the early 1800s that changed Britain's trading system?

Slavery was outlawed.

Which event occurred first feudalism democracy exploration or slavery with regard to the history of America?


What statements about west African slavery are most accurate?

West African slavery was a prevalent practice that existed long before the arrival of Europeans in the region. Slavery in West Africa was often different from the transatlantic slave trade, as slaves were not solely used for labor but also held various social and economic roles. The transatlantic slave trade significantly intensified and expanded the scale of slavery in West Africa, leading to profound social, economic, and cultural consequences.

Several amendments from the 1800s are concerned with the issue of slavery What changes occurred as a result of these amendments?

Several amendments from the 1800s are concerned with the issue of slavery. What changes occurred as a result of these amendments?

How did slavery in west Africa differ from slavery practiced by European settlers?

because it was a different type of slavery.