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Since the men had to go off to war and the women had to do men's jobs as well as fold parachutes and work in munition factories it was the first time women realized they had more potential than just being at home cooking, cleaning and raising children. Women were brought up to do the latter, so working was a new and exciting avenue for them. When the men came back from the war the governments basically said, "Well done, we don't need you anymore so go back to cooking, cleaning and raising your children and let the men do a man's job!" This didn't sit well with the women and they fought back and to this day they are fighting for equality in the workplace. However, there are times I feel women could have bitten off more than they can chew. Heart attacks are just as prevalent in women as men now among other diseases. Women have to work at least 5 times harder in a man's position to prove herself and that's stress! It also caused the family to fragment. Two working parents with some children coming home to an empty house. Sometimes we should be careful what we wish for. By no means am I saying that a woman shouldn't work or have a career, but there is a time and place for it. If raising children then they should come first if possible. There are single moms out there that simply have no choice.

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Q: How did women feel about working in men's jobs during World War 2?
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