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They lead to the deoxygenation of the ecosystem, thus killing fish and other organisms in the ecosystem.

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Q: How do algae blooms impact aquatic ecosystems?
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What is the main ingredient in fertilizers that can cause algae bloom?

The main ingredient in fertilizers that can cause algae blooms is phosphorus. When excess phosphorus enters bodies of water, it can promote the growth of algae, leading to harmful algal blooms. These blooms can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and deplete oxygen levels in the water, negatively impacting fish and other marine life.

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Which organisms fix nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems?

normal name: blue-green algae scientific name: cyanobacteria

How can algal blooms be harmful to aquatic life?

because euglenophytes absorb waste and such... they recycle it and so!.. when theres to much waste the euglenophytes make things called "algal blooms" the algal blooms deplete the waters nutruents and oxygen killing algae and other organisms

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Is algae producers in a water ecosystems?

Algae are produers in water ecosystems

What is phosphate pollution?

Phosphate pollution is a condition where there is too much phosphorus in lakes and streams, as a result from poor timing on fertilizer application. In some cases, phosphorus can leach from grass clippings to create the same effect. When too much phosphorus enters lakes and streams, it can cause algae blooms. Algae blooms block sunlight from reaching the fish and other aquatic plants, and the aquatic life dies.

What is alga boom?

An algal bloom is a rapid increase or accumulation in the population of algae (typically microscopic) in an aquatic system. Algal blooms may occur in freshwater also.

What might an unhealthy aquatic ecosystem look like?

An unhealthy aquatic system would contain little to no life. This could be due to algae blooms, which deplete a system of dissolved oxygen very rapidly. This causes many organisms to perish.

Do fertilizers affect algae growth?

not really. it really just grows around it,and collecta all it can from the soil lol Algae growth can have significant impacts on aquatic plant growth. Algal blooms consume all nutrients and oxygen from a certain aquatic ecosystem and may even release toxins. Aquatic plants will not be able to outcompete or survive because of this.

What are harmfull effect of a seaweed?

Seaweed is a type of marine algae that is commonly found in oceans lakes and rivers. While it has many benefits it can also have some harmful effects. Seaweed can cause algal blooms which can disrupt aquatic ecosystems. Algal blooms can reduce oxygen levels in the water which can harm fish and other aquatic organisms. Seaweed can also contain toxins such as those produced by certain species of red tide algae. These toxins can be harmful to humans causing skin irritation and respiratory problems. Seaweed can also reduce the amount of light that reaches the seafloor which can affect the growth of other marine organisms. In addition seaweed can also cause beach closures due to the accumulation of debris and bacteria. For these reasons it is important to be aware of the potential harm that seaweed can cause to marine ecosystems.

Algae blooms are more likely to exist in a?

A lake.