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It activates the 5HT-2 serratonin receptors. This seems to turn off some of the normal restrictions on signals in the brain, so thoughts and sensory input feed back and are amplified. Sort of like taking the brake off a car.

If you play guitar, here is another good example - it's like turning up the gain knob on the guitar amp. Everything gets louder and so you can hear things you weren't able to hear before, but there is also more noise and distortion.

Much of this is speculation based on my experiences and the experiences of others. As far as scientific knowledge, we know it acts on the 5HT-2 receptors, but other than that we don't know much.

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15y ago

No, LSD is very non-toxic compared to most recreational drugs. It does not cause any physical damage to the body or the brain. All risks associated with LSD are psychological risks, it can be dangerous, but it wont cause physical damage unless thousands of doses are consumed at once. But I must stress that the psychological dangers are very real, and not fully understood yet, and that LSD should be no means be regarded as "safe".

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13y ago

Certain classes of drugs, known as neurotoxins, have been shown to alter or disrupt normal brain activity through obvious physical damage. These drugs cause structural changes to brain tissue and/or actual cell death. The damage caused varies by type of drug. In some instances, certain receptors cause overactivity which leads to cell death/damage.

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No definitely not

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Q: How do drugs kill your brain cells?
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