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If employees respect management and feel that their jobs and contributions matter, they will work twice as hard as they would otherwise. This higher level of production means greater success for the corporation.

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Q: How do effective managers take advantage of contributing to motivation?
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They are the same person.

What do you say to your leader or manager about happiness and motivation?

Motivation can be taught, happiness cannot be. If they cannot understand what you need from them, change managers.

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Characteristics of an effective manager?

Effective managers are not afraid to delegate. They also challenge their employees to meet production for the business. Effective managers also have great communication skills.

Ingredients for effective human skills?

Managers need three levels of expertise in order to influence the behavior of other people and to have effective human skills. First, managers must have a good understanding of why people behave the way they do. They must be able to decipher people's motivation for their actions. Second, managers must be able to predict behavior. Understanding why people behaved a certain way in the past is useful in determining how they may behave in the future. Last, managers must learn to direct, change and influence behavior.

2.What are the main challenges of increasing employees motivation and commitment for HR managers?


How does vertical communication affect employee motivation?

Effective vertical communication and employee satisfaction tends to go hand in hand. Subordinates feel respected by management, and managers should in turn feel respected by their staff. These higher levels of job satisfaction would increase the worker's drive to succeed and thus their motivation.

What are the factors that prevent effective management?

Poor communication can prevent effective managers from meeting their objectives. The lack of empathy can also cause managers to be ineffective.

Obstacles to managers in making effective decisions?

The first obstacle to managers in making effective decisions is bias. Managers are often bias to certain individuals or information that provides more weight in making effective decisions. The second obstacle is overconfidence. Some managers overestimate their abilities, and overlook team members that have strengths to get the job done.

Which problems faced by managers in exercising motivation?

Following are some of the PROBLEMS FACED by MANAGER in exercising motivation are as follows : -lack of1. discipline2. order3. trust4. profit