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I know this is difficult for you, but you shouldn't be keeping this a secret from your wife. It's better to sit down alone with her and express why you prefer to dress up as a woman. Many men dress in women's clothing and are not gay, so clear that up immediately. This is between the two of you and she may accept it or ask you to go for help for what she considers a problem you have. If I were you, I would go and seek psychiatric help just out of curiosity as to why you prefer to dress in women's clothing. If you do it in the privacy of your home and your wife accepts this, then it's OK, but you certainly can't dress as a woman and go out with your wife. There would be a lot of explaining to do and I don't think your wife is up to it. Please talk to your wife. She may have some suspicions, or she may be totally surprised, but if you tell her it's a big load off your shoulders and both of you can come to some agreement as to what to do about it. Good luck Marcy The secret is worse than the act. Tell her honestly. It will be hard. She will need time to think about it. There is a good chance she will be accepting and supportive. The longer the secret is kept, the harder it is to tell.

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18y ago
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16y ago

Well, depending on your parents ideals, you can bring along some things for them to read about the issue, positive things, and be armed with good things to say about your lifestyle choice. Our feelings are one of the last things in this world we can control and as long as you are a good honest person and pull your weight in this world no one should be able to tell you how you should feel. Life is hard enough without people worrying about how you feel sexually and there is more to a person then that. Be confident and stand your ground. Good luck.

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13y ago

How do you tell anyone something very personal and very much related to your relationship? You need to study up as much medical literature and look for clean sites to get gather info and depending on her beliefs and where she is, you may or may never be able to tell her and remain married to her. The more open her mind is to other people's views, the more likely she will listen. When broaching the subject remember that a lot of people base their beliefs about themselves and their sexuality on what their wife or husband tells and shows them; you are probably going to yank the rug out from under her about her husband. Tread gently.

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13y ago

Its not going to be easy, but they need to know, so just say you need to talk to them. Sit them down, and explain that this is what you are, and you need there support, you don't want to hide it from them anymore. Xx it might take them a while, my friend told his parents he was gay, that took them a while. So . Good luck. X

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12y ago

This is one of the toughest personal questions someone can ask. How do you know you are transgendered? Have u talked to someone who is or has had the SRS? Spoken to a Doctor about this? If you have done both of these and are convinced, you have to ask yourself about the situation:

How old are you? If you are below 18 and at home, you have to worry about it being taken poorly and having to live with the negative till you are 18.

Do you rely on your family for your daily requirements (shelter, food, water)?

Do you require your family's acceptance for your daily well being (not a healthy place)?

Are you prepared to deal with absolute rejection? Are you prepared to be 'banished' from the family? Are you prepared to be reviled and hurt for the sake of your transgenderedness?

Why do you feel the need to tell your family?

If you have gone over these things and have mapped them out, you are ready IF YOU CHOOSE TO tell your family. DO not make it during any regular holiday when the family gathers. Make sure to have something good to tell them afterwards. Have lots of links and written info on transgenderism ready. AFTER the initial impact return to visit BUT DROP THE "TRANSGENDERISM" info unless they ask. Visit one more time. Then visit again on a non-holiday and ask if anyone has any questions and any comments. Listen and reply or just listen.

If you feel they are going to be positive, after the second discussion, rarely, discuss the impact it has on your life. IF the response is not positive, then stop discussing it and also slow down or stop the visits; no one needs all negative poured on them. Truly be prepared to be alone in this world. Most people fear and can't understand transgenderism.

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9y ago

I think the best thing to do is to just talk to her. It really depends on what kind of mother you have to know what exactly to say. If you know your mother is ok with transgender people in general, then it should be easy to tell her and she will defiantly listen. If your mother is a little more tentative on the topic, then maybe when telling her, let her know in a more open way that won't make her feel badly. I hope this helps! :)

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Q: How do i tell my parents I am transgender?
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First, and most importantly, you must try to figure out if you will still be safe after you tell your parents. If there is any chance they will throw you out of the house or subject you to fake therapies, then do not tell them until you are 18 or older and self sufficient.If you feel you will be safe telling them, then just come right out and tell them. They won't think any differently of you.

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Actually it is your decision and plus your decision is capable on your perspective not his

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Transgender is an adjective.

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Transgender = Трансгендерность (Transgendernost')

Is transgender real?

Yes, transgender is real. There are both transgender women and transgender men. People who feel that their gender assignment of birth is at odds with who they are do exist.

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Transgender Warrior was created in 2003.