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Q: How do protons contribute towards making ATP?
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How is energy trapped by ATP?

Breaking the bonds in ATP releases the energy in the bonds. Making ATP would "trap" the energy. The difference in the ion gradient across a membrane happens during cellular respiration. The enzyme ATP synthase makes ATP. It allows protons to pass through the membrane using the kinetic energy to add P to ADP making ATP. ATP production occurs in chloroplasts and mitochondria.

How many protons must cross through ATP synthas to produce ATP?

3 protons are need tp produce 1ATP

What does chemiosmosis provide for making ATP?

Protons released into the membrane travel through the proton gradient. Then thorugh the ATP synthase, the proteins are pumped out. Through phospholyration, ADPistranformed into ATP.

How would the loss of protons affect the production of ATP in aerobic respiration?

as protons move through ATP synthase, down their concentration and charge gradients, and back into the mitochondrial matrix, ATP is produced

What is the direct source of Energy ATP synthesis used to synthesize ATP?

Energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase energy released from movement of protons through ATP synthase is the most direct source of energy in this case.

Why do protons accumulate outside the membrane and why is this necessary?

Protons accumulate outside the membrane, so that a concentration-gradiënt is established. Because of this the protons want to flow inside, and this "current of protons" is enhanced by a membrane enzyme, called ATP-synthase to produce ATP. So, basically a potential is created, which can power the production of ATP.

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What particles can travel through the ATP syntheses channel?

Protons. :) -sources mastering biology

What is chemeosmosis?

phosphorylation of ADP to ATP occurring when protons that follow a concentration gradient contact ATP synthase.

How many ions have to enter in for ATP synthase to have enough energy to make ATP?

three H+ protons