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Q: How do the parathyroid and thyroid glands work together?
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What are the four types of tissues of the endocrine system?

The main endocrine glands of the endocrine system include the pituitary gland, the pancreas, the ovaries, the testes, the thyroid glands and the adrenal glands. the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, pancreas, adrenal gland (adrenal cortex and medulla), male testes and female ovaries.

How do you thyroid and parathyroid form a feedback loop?

The thyroid is in charge of metabolism, the parathyroid is in charge of what amount the thyroid regulates. If either of the two are out of sorts the feedback loop wont work.

How does the thyroid work with the endocrine system?

The Endocrine system consists of the glands such as the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, the adrenal glands, and the testes and the ovaries, which all secrete hormones. The thyroid gland does not work with the endocrine system, this system is simply a title of the glands named above.

What gland and hormone stimulates the deposition of calcium into the bone?

The parathyroid hormone stimulates the absorption of calcium from the bone.

What does your body need irodine for?

Iodine is needed to allow the Thyroid glands to work sufficiently... what are thyroid glands?? they are glands under the chin/in the neck that release a hormone that regulates our metabolism.... what happens if we are iodine deficient? our metabolism slows, therefore we get fat

What gland does Calcium levels in the blood and tissues are regulated by calcitonin working?

The thyroid gland produces calcitonin. The parathyroid gland produces PTH. Both hormones work together to regulate the amount of clcium in the blood and tissues.

How do your endocrine glands work together?

the glands work together by growth development, regulating blood, and working with the nervous system.

How does the thymus and thyroid gland work together?


What pairs works together to form the neuroendocrine system?

Coordination + integration Neurons and glands

How do apocrine glands work?

It secretions are released together with its upper parts.

The gland that helps regulate homeostasis of calcium is?

The various glands in the body work to regulate numerous body processes. The gland that works to regulate the homeostasis of calcium is called the parathyroid gland.

What structure releases estrogen into the circulatory system?

The Endocrine System means the structure of glands that secrete hormones through the circulatory system into the receptive organs. The main Endocrine glands include; the Adrenal glands, Gastrointestinal tract, the Hypothalamus, the Ovaries, the Pineal gland, the Pituitary gland, the Pancreas, the Parathyroid gland, the Testes and the Thyroid gland. There are other organs in the body, such as the Gonads, Heart, Kidney and Liver which have secondary endocrine functions. The gonads secrete Androgens and Estrogens. The heart secretes Peptins. The kidney secretes Erythropoietin and Renin. The liver secretes Angiotensin and Somatomedin. They all work together as a system that keeps the internal structure healthy. This is not a full list of the structure.