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bacteria can be like a liquidish cell but fungi can have a solid cell wall

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Q: How do the structures such as nucleus and cell wall differ in fungi and bacteria?
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How bacteria differ from fungi?

Fungi is part of the Eukarya domain... Having more than one cell, and having cells with a nucleus. If their size doesn't tell you how much they differ, then consider the fact that Fungi are decomposers, feeding off plant and animal life, and bacteria have uncountable ways of feeding. As an added note, Fungi are stationary. Bacteria can move around.

Are both bacteria and fungi multicellular?

yes they are also some fungi is yummy too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the basis of classification between bacteria and fungi?

Bacteria are single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus and other organelles, while fungi are multicellular organisms that possess a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Additionally, bacteria have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan, while fungi have a cell wall made of chitin. Finally, bacteria reproduce by binary fission, while fungi reproduce through spores.

How are actinomycetes differ from fungi?

Actinomycetes are a phylum of bacteria. They include soil dwelling organisms and pathogens.

How is fungi different then animals and plants?

Fungi is part of the Eukarya domain... Having more than one cell, and having cells with a nucleus. If their size doesn't tell you how much they differ, then consider the fact that Fungi are decomposers, feeding off plant and animal life, and bacteria have uncountable ways of feeding. As an added note, Fungi are stationary. Bacteria can move around.

What organisms have prokaryotic cells in them?

Prokaryotic means it has no nucleus so probaly only one celled organisms

Are bacteria and Protista the same thing?

No. Protists are a general group for eukaryotic organisms that are not plants, animals, or fungi. As eukaryotes, protists have a cellular nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Bacteria are prokaryotes and lake a nucleus or organelles and are generally simpler.

How protistan molds differ from fungi?

All protists are eukaryotes. This means that their cells contain a nucleus, a membrane-bounded structure that encloses.

What do fungi and bacteria grow from?

fungi and bacteria grow from spores.

Do the fungi kingdom have nucleus?

The cells have a nucleus.

Does every kind of cell need nucleus to survive?

No. Plants, animals, and fungi are all Eukaryotes, which means they are all composed of cells containing a nucleus. Bacteria and Archaea are both Prokaryotes, which means their cells do not contain a nucleus.

What are 4 broad types of pathogens?

.bacteria .virus .fungi .protoazoa