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To get rid of algae in a Baquacil pool, the best thing to use is the Performance Algaecide. The algae will actually get worse if converting because you have to wait until the Baqua reading is at zero before converting which could take at least several days because the Oxidizer is designed to last for an entire month.

I can send you instructions by e-mail re converting from baquacil to chlorine and/or the saline system. E-mail me.

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Q: How do you convert from baquacil to chlorine if algae is present in the pool?
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Do you get less algae when using baquacil rather than chlorine?

i am no sure what it is

Do you have more algae when using baquacil vs chlorine?

No. Actually it is more common to acquire algae in a Chlorine pool. The Baquacil Performance Algaecide is the strongest algaecide they make and very effective against killing algae. Maintaining the Oxidizer and Sanitizer readings do a great job of preventing algae where with a CL pool, in hot temps as soon as the CL reading drops below 1 the pool starts to turn green and the floors and walls feel slimy.

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How do you maintain chlorine in clear pool with minimal green algae by skimmer boxes after trying everything?

Chlorine is less likely to dissapate when proper levels of cyanuric acid are present. If chlorine levels are within limits and algae is still present test for ortho phosphates and treat if neccessary. Brush the affected areas (and setps & walls) regularly.

How do you switch from Baquacil to chlorine without draining the pool?

If you read the directions from baquacil you will find that yes you can indeed change from baquacil to chlorine. It is extremely important that you use up all the baquacil product and eliminate it from your pool prior to adding the chlorine. I have successful changed over two different systems and chlorine is much less expensive.

Can algaecide interact with chlorine thereby reducing the level of free chlorine in a swimming pool?

yes, the algae feeds on the chlorine.. must get rid of algae, then bring up chlorine level

What is a sand-like residue on the bottom of your above ground pool and how can you get rid of it?

Sounds like you have water mold. We had the same problem. We use baquacil chemicals instead of chlorine. Baquacil ultra is made to get rid of the mold. It worked for us. If you are using chlorine, you may need to see if there is a chemical to use for it.

In winter the pool is covered except when the pool people come to service the pool what causes the pool to get algae?

well when you leave your pool covered for the winter, you are unable to put chlorine into it. Chlorine prevents algae so to answer your question, the lack of chlorine causes algae

How does chlorine kill algae?

Chlorine kills bacteria and other single-celled algae by a chemical action called oxidation, which is sort of like burning by acid.

Will chlorine control all types of algae?

no it wont

How do you clean the algae from your pool then maintain it?

sock it with chlorine, bleach

Is chlorine used in pools?

Yes. Chlorine is used to prevent the growth of algae. Some pools use salt.