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Q: How do you create a concept map out of cell carbohydrates protein enzymes DNA sugar lipids nucleotides amino acids and nucleic acid?
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Complete the concept map by using the fallowing vocabulary terms nucleotides protein enzymes nucleic acids?

enzymes made of proteins breakdown nucleic acids to form nucleotides

Are enzymes all nucleic acids?

No, nucleic acids are not enzymes. Nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides where as enzymes are proteins, but all proteins are not enzymes.

Name the polymer of carbohydrates proteins lipids and nucleic acid?

Carbohydrates: starch Lipids: Glycerol Proteins: polypeptides nucleic acid: nucleotides

What group of important biochemical compounds are composed of nucleotides?

carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins

What subunits make up a starch?

carbohydrates dna subunits are nucleic acids. Nucleic acid subunits are nucleotides.

What four types of organic molecules found in living things?

The four main categories of organic compounds in organisms are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

What is a subunit of a nucleic acid?

The subunit of a nucleic acid are nucleotides.

What enzymes are responsible for the final chemical breakdown of carbohydrates and amino acids and nucleic acids?

Brush border enzymes

Which enzymes are responsible for the final chemical breakdown of carbohydrates amino acids and nucleic acids?

Brush border enzymes

What are the four classes of macromolecules and their importance?

CARBOHYDRATES- polymers of sugars LIPIDS- polymers of fatty acids PROTEINS- polymers of amino acids NUCLEIC ACIDS- polymers of nucleotides

What serve as enzymes carbohydrates lipids nucleic acids proteins?

lipids my man

Are nucleic acids biochemicals?

No, nucleic acids are not enzymes. Nucleic acids are made up of nucleotides while enzymes are protein in nature.