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On a PC, you press the backspace key.

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Q: How do you erase a character to the left of the insertion point?
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To delete a character in a document click next to the character and then press what key to erase to the left of the insertion point?


How do you delete a character in a document?

To delete an incorrect character in a document, simply click next to the incorrect character and then press BACKSPACE to erase to the left of the insertion point. You can also click next to the incorrect character and click DELETE to erase to the right of the insertion point.

Press the key(s) to erase one character to the left of the insertion point.?

the backspace button or on a mac its delete

What key needs to be pressed to delete a character to the left of insertion point?

Backspace key

Which key is used to remove the character before the insertion point?

Backspace (an arrow pointing left)

Is it true a block of selected text can be as small as one character to the left of the insertion point?

Sure, why not. You can select a single character.

What key do I push to delete a character to the left of the insertion point?

The backspace key. If it isn't labeled BKSP then it will have a left pointing arrow <--

What is the flashing line called in a word processing document?

You might mean the "Insertion point" or it can be called the cursor and also the I-bar. This is a vertical line [ | ] the height of a capital letter that is just after (to the right of) the last character typed or just before (to the left of) a character that will be deleted with the Del key when writing a left to right language.

What can remove the character to the left of the cursor?

Backspace key.

What happens to the insertion point when you press the backspace key and the delete key on a type document?

If you hit the Backspace key, the insertion point will move to the left. If you press the Delete key, the insertion point will stay where it is.

Press the shift key to move the insertion point down a line and return to the left margin?

Press the SHIFT key to move the insertion point down a line and return to the left margin.

What is the difference between pressing the backspace key four times and the left-arrow key four times when the insertion point is located in the middle of a line of text?

The backspace key will delete characters as it moves the insertion point four spaces to the left. The left-arrow key will move the insertion point to the left four spaces without changing any of the characters in the line.