

How do you extract DNA from wheat germ?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do you extract DNA from wheat germ?
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What does alcohol do to wheat germ?

It allows DNA to extract from the wheat germ.

Where is DNA located in a wheat germ?

The Wheat Germ's cell's nucleus.

Why is it difficult to extract DNA from a cell fat tissue?

DNA isn't as easily freed from the cells with addition to dish detergent as it would be in wheat germ.

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Wheat germ contains DNA. You can extract it by using clear detergent and rubbing alcohal.

Why use raw wheat germ and not toasted wheat germ for a DNA extration procedure?

The toasting or any heat is going to break down the DNA I would think.

Why doesn't toasted wheat germ work for DNA extraction?


Why is wheat germ a good source of DNA?

Because it contains many nutrients, I would think

Is wheat germ an animal or plant cell?

a wheat germ is a germ made from wheat like a pesticide

How is wheat germ taken?

for human consumption, wheat germ cereals and wheat germ oil are the two most popular preparations of the grain.

Which cell part must be destroyed in order to release DNA from wheat germ cells?

The nuclear membrane needs to be destroyed in order to reach the cell's DNA.

Will raw wheat germ make our smoothie bitter?

If the wheat germ is freshly prepared from wheat grains it will not be bitter. However, wheat germ contains oils that quickly go rancid as soon as the grain is ground and the wheat germ separated out. It is the rancid oils in stale wheat germ that cause the bitter taste. When the wheat germ is rancid it no longer has any special nutritive value. If a package of wheat germ is on sale, it is probably because it went rancid and the store manager knows it.

Is wheat germ plural or is it wheat germs?

"Wheat germ" is a singular noun representing a composite thing. It is not correct to say "wheat germs."