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It is unfortunate that one person probably wrecked this boys trust issues for others. If you are the one that he cannot trust then it will be very hard but if you have been one that has been trustworthy then you must have a conversation with him concerning this. Ask him to give you a chance you are not the person that caused him to feel this way For people that have trust issues it is very hard for them them to not project those feelings on everyone and use it in every aspect of their lives just not trusting. Sometimes visiting a counsellor is very helpful if he is willing and if he is comfortable enough maybe you could go with him or sit in one sometime. He must realize that not everyone will treat him the way someone did and in order for your relationship to work as well he must be able to feel he can trust you.

If he does not like the idea of any of this then you may have to rethink your relationship because trust issues can become a real problem from minor to even fatal it is not something to tread with lightly.

And consider that most guys who use that line, when with a girl, wants you to prove yourself to him. If you don't, he will drop you. Often he has used it before and one day he might tell another trusting soul about the terrible girl who made him lose faith in all girls. You. It's hard to believe it when you are in love, but some guys lie.

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Q: How do you get your boyfriend to trust you when he says he can never trust a girl again?
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It depends. Do you trust your bf? If not, that's ok. If it was me, no matter how much I trusted my bf, I would never let him be around a girl he used to like with out you for 2 months. Good Luck!!!!

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No. Your problem is with your boyfriend. There is a social contract in every relationship, and a romantic relationship has a clause on Trust and Fidelity. You have no contracts with anyone else besides your boyfriend. This girl isn't your friend, and neither is any other female stranger. They promised you nothing, and they owe you nothing. Your boyfriend on the other hand, by being in your relationship, promised fidelity and trust. And he, not the girl, broke this promise. It doesn't matter who the girl is. It doesn't matter what she did. If she did those same things with someone else, you wouldn't care. On the other hand, if your boyfriend did whatever it was he did with some other girl besides her, he'd still be breaking your trust. So, no. Your beef is not with the girl, it is with your boyfriend.

A girl said she loves you but she has a boyfriend what should i do?

If the girl has a boyfriend already,try not to get in the way. If she really does love you then she will break it off with her boyfriend. Don't try to rush her though as girls don't like that. Trust me, I am one.

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Trust him unless you have reasonable doubt about the innocence of their friendship.