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I don't think you can. Nothing grinds like a grinder. You can chop meat with a big knife,
but it will not be the same as ground meat.
You can buy hand grinders for about $30 new.

Agree, grinders work by forcing meat through sharpened blades and then extruding it through plates that can have various hole sizes on them. Hard to replicate this without a meat grinder.

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Q: How do you ground meat without meat grinder?
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What is ground turkey?

Ground turkey is boned turkey meat that has been put through a meat grinder.

How dependable is an electric meat grinder?

An electric meat grinder can be very dependable if you want freshly ground meet and need it in large quantities. The only issue that might arise, is the obvious clean-up considerations as well as care and maintenance that a person without a grinder does not have to deal with. A good quality electric meat grinder can be quite dependable unless the power goes out or the grinder is jammed. Avoid putting clogging items in the grinder and purchase one with a warranty.

What task will the meat grinder perform?

A meat grinder works and operates on a basic simple principle - forcing meat through sharpened blades. Meat grinders can be used to make different types of ground meat and sausage.

What is ground food?

Ground food is simply small cut-up food. This is done with a food processor, meat grinder and the like.

What company makes the best 32 meat grinder?

Northern Industrial Tools makes a fantastic 32 meat grinder. It is my preffere meat grinder on the market.

What company makes an electric meat grinder for sausage making?

You can get a grinder attachment if you have a mixer. Otherwise try the Weston 82-0102-W Electric Meat Grinder.

What animal do ground beef come from?

Beef comes from cows. Ground beef is beef put through a meat grinder. Ground beef can be used to make hamburgers or meatballs or other dishes.

What is an meat grinder used for?

To grind meat into small pieces

Where can I order parts for my #32 meat grinder?

This will vary depending on your brand of meat grinder. But you can check out this site:

Using a meat grinder you were able to obtain ground meatwhat kind of change in matter did you produce?

Grinding meat is an example of a Physical Change, as opposed to a Chemical Change or Nuclear Change.

What are the things that Benjamin Almeda invented?

A rice grinder, meat grinder and a coconut grater.

What brand of meat grinder should I consider buying to make dog food?

American Tool offers a cast iron meat grinder which is very affordable at around twenty dollars. It can be used at home for grinding meat and bones to make dog food. It comes with everything for making ground meat. It is made of very strong cast iron and features an easy to turn handle is made of hardwood, is fast and easy clean up, and can be an excellent money saver. The product name is "Meat Grinder #10 Cast Iron."