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Apply a contact herbicide to the weeds,such as Glyphosate, which is absorbed by green leaves. Do not spray the tree leaves.

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Q: How do you kill weeds around trees without hurting the tree?
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How can weeds be killed without hurting clover planted for bees?

Removal, selective broadleaf weed control and solarization are ways to kill weeds without hurting clover planted for bees. The herbicide needs to include among the product information the guarantee that beneficial insects such as bees will not be harmed. Removal requires either manual or mechanical removal while solarization uses landscape fabric or plastic sheeting secured on the ground around the clover.

Why is it important to keep weeds and grass away from your trees but ok to plant annuals around them?

Weeds aren't pretty, flowers are. Weeds grow every which way. You buy flowers to grow the way you want them to...tall, wide, etc.

How does agent orange kill weeds?

Agent Orange didn't kill weeds it killed trees to flush out Viet Cong soldiers and encampments. Agent Blue is what was used to kill weeds. Thats what you want to look for for weeds.

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Go to Marvil city and go to the weeds where the daycare center is at and run around through the weeds and after a little bit of searching you will find a Maril!

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to make logging of trees easier and faster, to lessen working, cutting, pulling trees and weeds.

What makes olive trees weeds?

Growing where it is not wanted is the way that olive trees may become weeds. A weed is any plant that grows where the particular cultivator, farmer, gardener or orchardist does not want it to be or any plant whose beneficial value is forgotten, minimized or unknown. Olive trees offer delicious olives that can be eaten fresh or made into olive oil, but they will become weeds if they are where they are not wanted.

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Are birch trees poisonous?

No in the wild birch trees are known as foresters weeds because they grow so abundantly from seed.

Cheap way to kill grass and weeds?

will to kill weeds you can go to home depot and get weeds spray and spray in on or around the weeds and there you go .

What happens to the pond if weeds grow?

Normally, in that scenario, weeds grow around the pond.

What animal live near valcanoes?

We think that there are lots of animals there. There are trees,weeds,and lava rocks.