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People who are abused don't like to think they are. If you are asking this question, then you need to find professional help to sort out what is going on in your life and to get a more objective view of the situation. It's one of those things... If you are asking, then it's probably true.

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For some people knowing whether or not you are actually being abused is the problem. Emotional abuse is not any less painful than physical abuse, physical abuse is more obvious where emotional abuse is sometimes harder to recognize as actual abuse, but indeed it is. If you are being emotionally abused you will have a sense of discomfort, low self esteem, lack of knowing self-worth, depression, and many other unpleasant feelings. You did not mention in your question who the abuser is in your life, but the feelings you develop while being abused are similar no matter who is doing the abusing, whether it's your mom, dad, brother, sister, uncle, cousin, or significant other. But the techniques the abuser uses on their victim(s) differ, based on the relationship the abuser and the victim have. For example, if you are being abused by your significant other he/she may make you feel like he/she is the only one for you, you aren't good enough for anyone else, no one else wants you, and you're stuck with him/her forever. You may also feel obligated to have sex with him/her, maybe to avoid an argument. Your partner may also make you feel stupid and purposeless, maybe by ridiculing or embarressing you when you join in on conversations or express your opinion on a topic. You may be emotionally abused if you feel afraid of your partner, like you can't talk to him/her about what is bothering you, or you feel like you're trapped in the relationship. Another sign of emotional abuse is when your partner begins to isolate you from your friends and family, and limiting you, like telling you where you can go, when you can leave, who you can be around, and when you have to be home. Restricting you from the internet and your cellphone may also be a sign of abuse, as well as limiting you to money, or destroying objects and throwing away your belongings. Threatening is another form of emotional abuse, whether he/she is directly threatening you, your family, your children, or even your pets.

The signs of a family member abusing you is different from the signs of a partner abusing you, but the emotions and the feelings are similar. A family member may emotionally abuse you to try to make you feel unwanted, disowned, unpretty, not loved, and many other things. Emotional abuse goes unnoticed a lot of the time, even by the victims. Emotional abuse escalates, sometimes into suicide, even. If you're being emotionally abuse, or even think you are, to know for sure talk to someone and get help right away.

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How many people are killed because of abuse?

statistically its in the thousands nation wide. but so many go unreported every year. if you or someone you know have been or are a victim of abuse you need to report it immediately. someone's life could be at stake. Marjoree Mason, the founder of the Marjoree Mason Center for Abused women and children was herself a victim of domestic violence.

What are the various classifications of abuse?

Verbal Abuse, Physical Abuse, and Emotional Abuse. Verbal Abuse: Using words to abuse someone. It's a form of profanity that can occur with or without expletives. Also includes abusive words in written form. Physical Abuse: abuse involving contact that is meant to cause intimidation, fear, and pain/injury to the victim. Emotional/Psychological Abuse: abuse characterized by a person subjecting or exposing another to behavior that is psychologically harmful. Such abuse is often associated with situations of power imbalance, such as abusive relationships, bullying, child abuse, and in the workplace. But do know there is no set definitions for each of these. They tend to change form all of the time.

Yes or no should parents go to jail for abusing their child?

yeah, of course they can. yes ..... Child abuse should never happen and yes, anybody can -and should- go to jail for it. So if you are a victim of abuse or know someone who is, do not hesitate to report the facts to the police immediately.

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Guys are well known to be easier at hiding emtional feelings than girls. But just keep looking out for the eyes, because if he looks at you that specail way you will definatly know! But until then just keep dropping the hints ;D

What do I do if I suspect someone is suffering from physical abuse?

There is no easy way to approach someone whom you think is a victim of abuse. All you can really do is offer them your ear and support, to make them feel comfortable in confiding with you. If you ask directly if they are abused and they deny it, you can't keep pushing for them to admit it, as that becomes a form of abuse and you'll loose their trust. Do not over-react, let them know you're a safe person to confide in and then be patient.

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The victim is the chicken... Joke! It is Oedipus Rex! Why? Me dont know!

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