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Buy thickened cream, as this whips faster. Put it in a bowl & add a pinch of bicarbonate of soda (as this also helps it whip faster), & a little sugar or icing sugar(to taste). Beat until just thick - watch carefully as it will quickly turn to butter if you don't stop as soon as it is thick. Because of this it is better to use a hand beater than an electric one, as you can keep a better eye on the thickening.

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13y ago

only Cream and sugar

Yes, just cream and sugar. The amount of sugar isn't critical, but I use about 3T/pint of cream. The French often add a tiny bit of vanilla, which is a nice touch.

The cream should be well-chilled, as should the mixing bowl. I hope you have a mixer because, although you can whip the cream by hand with a whisk, your arm will feel like it's going to fall off. Using a mixer, start beating the cream at as high a speed as you can without splattering. Add the sugar (and vanilla, if your using it) as you start beating. As the cream begins to thicken, you'll be able to turn the speed up without splatterin. go to full speed as soon as you can.

The tricky part is knowing when to stop. If you go too far, the result will be vaguely granular in texture (you're on your way to making butter at this point and those are little globs of it). There's a rather subtle way of telling when you've gone as far as you can safely go: at the exact point when the surface of the cream loses it's shine, stop right then (when you think you're getting close to that point, stop the mixer for a good look, then continue, if necessary, with little 5 second bursts until you reach the no-shine point). You can stop before this point, of course, but the cream will be softer.

If you're whisking by hand, use as large a whish as you can and just go at it as energetically as you can. It can take a while.

Keep the cream thoroughly chilled until you use it

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Is it good to put whip cream on apple pie?

Yes, whip cream, particularly homemade whip cream, is delicious on a large variety of pies. Whip cream is easy to make, take whipping cream, and use an electronic beater with whisk attachment (or just a hand whisk) and whip on medium high. add sugar to taste. It's ready when light and fluffy. If you whisk too much, you've made delicious sugary butter. My preference for hot Apple pie though is vanilla bean ice-cream.

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you can not make homemade ice cream with snow because its not the right solid form.

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What are some brands of cream to make ice cream?

whip cream, sugar cream and ice-cream of course!

How do you make whip cream?

um i dont know

How do you make whipped cream with half and half?

You cannot make whipped cream with half and half. It will not whip.

Can you make whipped cream with whole milk?

No, not even single cream. Only double cream will 'whip'.

Do you have to use rock salt to make homemade ice cream?

Yes u do .. Or you can buy a homemade ice-cream kit at you local grocery

How can you make your boyfriend enjoy going down on you?

Maybe you could put whip cream down there like when girls put whip cream on there breasts

Do you have to have berry's to make homemade ice cream?

Probably not it depends on what kind of ice cream

Ingredients in making whipping cream?

The ingredients to make whipped cream are heavy cream and sugar to taste. Whip to soft peaks. That is it. Don't over whip or you will end up with sweetened butter.