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English Breakfast is a style of black tea that is defined not by its ingredients, but rather, by its characteristics. Its actual composition varies, and in general, it tends to be a blend of teas from different regions, although it rarely can be a single-origin tea. English Breakfast tea is what the English call just "tea". Normally, English Breakfast tea is a blend made exclusively from black teas.

The most common types of tea used in English Breakfast blends include Ceylon tea (from Sri Lanka), Assam (from India), and teas from Kenya, with perhaps some Keemun (from China), although many other types of teas can be blended in too.

The pure teas that resemble modern English Breakfast the most are usually Ceylon teas, although Keemun more closely resembles some of the older styles of English Breakfast tea.

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13y ago

1. Get your mug

2. Put in a tea bag with how ever many sugars you want. Two teaspoons is best.

3. Boil your kettle.

4. Fill your mug about 3/4's of the way.

5. Leave for a few minutes so the flavour's infuse.

6. Add some milk, not too much though. You want it to still look like quite a darkish brown and not a mily white.

7. Stir well.

8. Get some biscuits to dunk in, digestives are best.

9. Enjoy!

p.s. We call them brews over here. To make a tea is to brew up lol or cuppa's i call mine cuppa's.

p.p.s When the tea cooled down a little so its warm you can dunk biscuits. Any biscuit does but ones with chocolate are a problem as the choc melts quickly and you can drop it in.

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What is the best tasting tea from English supermarket's?

i think it was Twinings English Breakfast.

Is tea breakfast?

No , it is not breakfast.

Where can one find reliable information about english breakfast tea online?

There are many places where one can find out reliable information on English Breakfast tea online. One can look at blogs and forums on the subject, as well as manufacturer websites, such as Twinings of London.

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No, it is not correct. The correct phrasing would be "What did you prepare for breakfast?" or "What did you have for breakfast?"

Is it breakfast lunch and tea or breakfast lunch and dinner?

It is always breakfast,lunch,tea and after these comes dinner. Tea comes around 4 pm.

What do people in Iceland have for breakfast?

a usually light breakfast and tea or coffeeAlternate answer:Icelandic people for breakfast takes:Some breakfast like 'so called English breakfast'. It means:Toast bread, Jam/jelly, ham/fish slices, cottage cheese, boiled or semi boiled aggs, miilk or white tea (tea with milk) in a big mug. Some may drink coffee (but its not very usual). Fruits are on the table, if someone wish may add.

Is it ok for me to drink English breakfast tea when I'm pregnant?

Yes you can but it's not advisable to drink too much. It's the caffeine in the tea that can cause a lower than normal birth weight. English breakfast tea has a greater amount of caffeine, than "normal" tea. Four cups of tea a day is a guideline, so for English, I'd suggest only two cups a day. Any doubts, see your doctor, he's better qualified for this sort of thing. See related link for more information.

What is the difference between an American breakfast and a continental breakfast?

Marketing? The idea of eating an actual meal for breakfast... including, usually, meat and eggs... is uncommon in most of Europe, where the typical breakfast is the "continental breakfast": coffee or tea, fruit juice, and bread or a pastry. Places that offer bacon, sausage, eggs, potatoes, pancakes, etc. advertise it as an "English breakfast" to make it clear that it's not just coffee and a biscuit. The US (and most other former portions of the British Empire) usually tend to think of "breakfast" as involving a hot meal. In the US many hotels offer a complimentary breakfast to guests; this may be a "continental breakfast" as described above, or it may be a full breakfast, in which case it will usually be called an "American breakfast" to avoid confusing anyone who might think that an "English breakfast" was, say, tea and crumpets or some kind of disgusting "pudding" made out of blood.

Is English breakfast tea safe for diabetics?

English tea is not harmful at all, in fact; quite the opposite. The sugar content is changeable and usually ranges between no sugar and two teaspoons. You will have monitor how much this changes your blood sugar.

What breakfast do they have in Japan?

For people who have time to prepare it and are nutrition-conscious, the traditional Japanese breakfast of rice, miso soup, fish and pickled vegetables is still popular. However, most people on the go just have bread and maybe milk, coffee or tea.

Where can one find breakfast baskets?

Breakfast baskets are sold at Dakin Farm, Dry House Fruits, English Tea Store, Gadgets Presents, Gourmet Gift Baskets, GrabCart, Walmart, and Hayneedle.

How do you like to prepare breakfast?

What type of question is that?