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Hot air is less dense (lighter) than colder air, so warmer air will naturally rise above the cooler air.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Light a candle and observe the smoke. It will be going up, as opposed to sinking down.

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What does hot air do?

hot air rises.

If hot air rises why is it cooler in the mountains?

Temperature decreases with altitude due to the adiabatic lapse rate, where the atmosphere cools as it expands with elevation. This principle applies in mountains where the air rises, expands, and cools, resulting in lower temperatures at higher altitudes.

What makes hot air balloon rise?

Hot air rises. As the air in the hot air balloon is made hotter than the surrounding air it rises.

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hot air rises

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Hot air rises

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hot air rises

Why do you use hot air for hot air balloon instead of cool air?

Hot air rises.

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As a balloon rises from the ground to the air, the air density inside the balloon decreases. This is because air density decreases with altitude due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure. The air inside the balloon expands as it rises, causing it to become less dense.

When hot and cold air meet the hot air rises to the top but which process causes the hot air to rise?

hot air rises because it is less dense than cold air..this occurs by the process of convection

Hot air rises cold air sink?

technically hot air does not really rise it is the cold air that sinks below it because it is more dense.

What does air do to help your heart?

Hot air rises. That is how a hot air balloon works.