

How do you put a word innate in a sentence?

Updated: 4/3/2020
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9y ago

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He had an innate ability for finding the right places to be able to watch the birds without disturbing them.

The tribe had an innate ability for hunting.

She had an innate ability for knowing the kind of music to play for people's moods.

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9y ago
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Q: How do you put a word innate in a sentence?
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Your innate talent for physical humor is wonderful!

How do you use the word innate in a sentence?

A behavior that is innate means that it was produced naturally from the mind and not learned through experience. An example of a sentence using this word is, "Newborn babies cry when they are hungry because it is an innate behavior, not because they were taught to do so."

How do you use inate in a sentence?

When something or someone is said to have an innate quality, it suggests that it is part of its basic nature or something the subject was born with. An example of a sentence using the word "innate" is "The prosecutor appealed to the judge's innate sense of justice and won the case. "

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What does innate means?

Innate means something that you are born with. An example of a sentence using innate is: He had an innate modesty and simplicity of character.

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