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Well actually, and quite unfortunately, there is a large lack of direct translations from English to Japanese so the closest thing you would get to that would be writing the "F" word in katakana (one of three Japanese alphabets that is used primarily for foreign words). That would look something like this: ファク and would be pronounced virtually the same as the original word, as would any other English word in Japanese.

If you're looking to insult your friends or others without them understanding or if you are actually traveling to Japan and know you need some insults (and by the way be careful because they might be peaceful but the Japanese take explicit words quite seriously), then you need to look up some actual Japanese insults or at the least their equivalents.

For example:

"Baka" = idiot

"Kuso" = S***

"Aho" = A***ole

Just look up "how to swear in Japanese" and you get tons of sites.

Hey look im going to hold this knife over my hea.... KUSO

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