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Report this to your dive master.

You should equalise the pressure in your inter nasal cavity by, blocking you nose and blowing, or Chewing Gum.

Ask your local Scuba community to help you find a physician expericed with treating scuba divers and the physiological affects of diving.

Do not take medication for these migranes and dive at the same time without an explicit prescription from a physician to do so. A little more Are you using nitrox? If so, then cut the oxygen ppO back. It sounds like you have a good handle on this already. My guess is you are having a CO2 buildup and getting a CO2 headache (even though you aren't skip breathing) or a sinus squeeze. Make sure you are fully exhaling and not holding a little air in your lungs while trying to stay neutral ... and perhaps you are not. I would try to find a doctor that is a diver to figure out what is going on since you should not be getting headaches.

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Q: How do you stop a scuba diving headache I don't skip breath and have never been on a deep dive but get these migraines during my dives HELP?
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Is migraine with aura a common migraine?

That depends if you are asking about the medical term or if it is a type of migraine that occurs frequently. There are two main categories of migraine. The term "common migraine" is an antiquated term that refers to migraines without aura. This term "common migraine" is no longer accepted in the International Headache Society's ICHD II which is used to diagnose headache disorders. Some older physicians who are not familiar with headache medicine may still use this term because they are not aware of the change in terminology. "Classic migraines" is an antiquated term that refers to migraines with aura. This term "classic migraine" is no longer accepted in the International Headache Society's ICHD II which is used to diagnose headache disorders. Some older physicians who are not familiar with headache medicine may still use this term because they are not aware of the change in terminology. "Common migraines" occur more frequently than migraines with aura, but up to 30% of migraine sufferers experience migraines with aura. People who experience migraines with aura may still end up experiencing a "common migraine" sometime during their lifetime. For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

How can damage to the respiratory system be prevented during free diving?

Hyperventilation is used by free divers to reduce the concentration of CO2 and extend the length of breath-holding.

Can migraines be isolated to just one side of the head?

Migraines area neurological even that typically happen on one side of the head. Another headache disorder called Hemicrania Continua can also cause one sided head pain to last for long periods of time. Other headache types may also cause one sided head pain. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment, see your physician or headache specialist.

Do having one eye only effect migraines?

Ocular migraines usually only effect one eye and are caused by restriction of blood flow to that eye. During an ocular migraine a person typically experiences loss of sight or blurred vision for a temporary period of time. Once the ocular migraine goes away the person will often have a headache but this does not always occur.

Can headaches give you blurry eyes?

Yes they can.Blurred vision is a symptom of migraine. Migraine is not exactly a headache, but severe pain in the head is what happens during a migraine attack. The suffer may also see haziness or distortions during the early phases of migraine.But people can get blurred vision during true headaches as well, such as a cluster headache or a headache from tension and tiredness.

Why do you have a headache during the landing of the plane?

Due to pressure, you can get a headache

Why is it more likely for women to get migraines then men?

Because one of the triggers which can cause migraines are the hormones which change during the menstrual cycle.

Are migraines associated with menopause?

The cessation of Migraine attacks can sometimes be associated with menopause when the patient's main triggers are reproductive hormones. Migraine attacks themselves do not usually begin at menopause, although they can escalate during peri-menopause and menopause. A new headache with Migrainous symptoms that appears after age 40 should be investigated by a headache specialist or qualified physician.

Do Migraines effect blood clotting?

There have been studies proving a linkage between blood clots and migraines. The veins develop blood clots during the migraines. This can easily explain why migraine sufferers are more prone to having heart attacks and strokes more than the normal individual without migraines.

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Ketosis occurs when the levels of ketone bodies increase, particularly during a low carbohydrate weight loss program. The features of ketosis include headache, breath that smells of acetone and a lack of energy.

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Do you have to take migraine medicine during lifetime?

Migraine is a genetic neurologic disease. It is in your genes. Some people learn to control and eliminate their triggers and their management results in few Migraines. They are often able to discontinue preventive therapies. Migraine itself is thought to be a progressive disease however, making these folks rare indeed. See your physician or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders.