

How do you take care of a male betta?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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11y ago

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Most people look for a small fish tank or bowl to keep their betta in, this method has both benefits and downfalls. Cleaning a small tank must be frequent, as a filter won't fit. Temperature of the tank must be manually regulated, keeping the tank away from direct sunlight as well as a colder environment. Bettas need to be kept in water that is approximately 75-82 degrees F, as they originate from the warm waters of Thailand. A lid on your bowl or tank is highly recommended, as your betta fish is a notorious jumper.

Keep the fish away from high-traffic areas

The other option when housing a betta is a filtered, heated larger tank. 10 gallon tanks are inexpensive, typical, and give your little man lots of room to swim.


When it comes to Bettas, there is quite a variety of food they will consume. Some foods are better for the fish than others, as well as more expensive.

Betta food can be Flakes, Pellets, Frozen live food, Freeze-dried live food

Be careful not to overfeed your betta keeping in mind their stomachs are only about as big as their eye.

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hey. leave the eggs to the male betta it will look after them.

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the male betta does, the female just swims away.

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Male Betta's do not have babies. The female lays the eggs, the male fertilizes them and then takes care of them in a "bubble nest" that he builds until they hatch.

How do you take care of a male betta fish?

clean his bowl once a week, feed him every-otherday. hope i helped

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Take the male out but leave the female if you have.

How do you take care or 300 betta fish babies?

My sugestion is that you sell them because the female wil try to eat them and the male will kill the female and you will loose you female betta fish so give them to a pet store or sell em

Can your female betta have eggs on her own?

A female Betta splendens needs a male to help her release her ova (eggs). If she comes into breeding condition and does not meet up with a male to spawn her successfully, her ova will eventually be re-absorbed back into her body.

How do you take care of a crowntail betta. Please tell me everything.?

Take care of it just like a normal Betta. A tank no less than 3 gallons, (15litres) and feed it once a day.

How long do female Betta fish live?

Female betta fish can last as lond as five years. But as always, it depends on how you take care of them. They need proper feeding, and they always need a clean tank at least once a week. This is the same for male bettas as well.

How long do male betta's live for in a bowl?

If you take really good care of you male betta fish then he could live up to 5years. Like, if you change their water like twice a week and if you feed them about twice a day and if you buy a little plant that they sell at pet stores,it's a little plant that goes at the bottom of your fish bowl and it gives the fish oxygen. But, if you decide to not take good care of your betta fish then he could only live for a couple of monthes. Hope that this helped you.

Can you put a male betta with another male betta?

This is the LAST thing you want to do! Putting a male betta fish in with another male is horrible because male bettas will fight to the death...not good!