

How do you tone your stomach?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Well for one, ab workouts are a good start to tone your midsection. Workouts like crunches, sit-ups, leg lifts, etc. But contrary to popular belief, these workouts won't make your abs show if you have fat on your midsection. You have to have a fairly strict diet to lose weight. Then your abs will begin to show. Find out how many calories a day you need to mantain your weight. If you have some fat around your midsection then subract 500 calories a day from your maintenance level. Coupled with cardio and the workouts above you will have a toned midsection in no time!

The adiopose tissue (fat) around your waist need a three things aerobic activity,strong back muscles(sitting to long makes the muscles weak) .Low fat and carb diet. And over all body weight training program. Spot reduction is a fallacy. You need to working our whole body to have long term results . Fat is recuded on the first on first out principle so where it goes in first it goes out from that area last.

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Lower abs can get toner with exercise. Doing crunches or sit ups on a daily basis can tone the stomach muscles.

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Sit ups tone muscles, but you can lose some of your stomach just by weight loss. If you still need to tone up, just try contracting your stomach muscles when you're sitting down. Try to contract them for as long as you can; you should see an improvement after a week.

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A good diet + exercise = flat stomach So while push ups can help in making a flat stomach, which in fact is just low body fat, it will be useless if proper nutrition and other exercise, ex. weightlifting and cardio, is not utilized.

Is it possible to target and lose stomach fat?

Not really. It is possible to tone muscles in the stomach area while losing fat overall. This will result in a better looking stomach and, eventually, six-pack-abs.

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Another good exercise to tone your abs is crunches. However, you should also include other types of exercises such as walking or jogging.

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No... Not necesarily. you need more hardcore exercise... not weak stretches/

Will sit ups help you lose the weight on your hips and stomach?

doing sit ups will tone up your stomach... if you want to lose the weight try running and things like that... Hope this helped

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The simplest thing you can do is to incorporate activity into you everyday life. Park your car at the far end of the parking lot and walk to the store, climb the stairs instead of using an elevator or escalator, walk or ride a bike to your job. By becoming more active you will develop a healthier lifestyle.

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Captain's Chair and Bicycle Maneuver are two good ones to help tone your stomach. Squat And Pulse are good for your butt and thighs.