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There are various elements that have not been discovered yet. This is a sample sentence containing element in it.

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8y ago

Copper is an element.
Curved lines is an element in design.
He drove a Honda Element.

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Q: How do you use the word element in sentence?
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How do I use the word element in a sentence?

Chromium is an element!

How can you use the word element in a sentence?

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How do you use the word element in a sentence?

Each of oxygen and nitrogen is a chemical element.

A sentence using the word element?

Helium is an inert gaseous element. This is a sentence using the word "element".

Element in a sentence?

An element in a sentence is a fundamental part that serves a specific grammatical function, such as a subject, verb, object, or modifier. Elements work together to convey meaning and structure within a sentence, forming the building blocks of language.

Make a sentence using the word element?

A sentence using the word element in it: There is 50 kinds of different elements

How would you use element in a sentence in science?

That element is found as a solid in nature.We studied one element every day in science class. Hydrogen is an element.

How do I use element in a sentence?

Chromium is an element!

Can you give a sentence using the word element?

i have the element of time

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The Atomic Mass unit is a very useful way to get the properties of an element. This is a sentence which contains the word atomic mass unit.

How do you you use a word attribute in a sentence?

In computing, an attribute is a specification that defines a property of an object, element, or file.

How do you use element in a sentence?

He is out of his element. The scientists have isolated a new element.