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The word set can be used in many ways, here are 3 examples The sun set tonight at 7:35pm Susan made a fruit jelly and put it in the fridge to set The starter at the school sports day egg and spoon race said 'ready, get set, go'

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12y ago

The noun 'setting' is a word for a place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place; a place and time at which a play, novel, or film is occurring. Example sentence:

Their house at the beach was the setting for the wedding.

The setting is the park.

The setting of the story was a small New England town in the late 1800's.

We let the waitress know that our table was missing one place setting.

How would you describe the setting of the novel?

The setting of the book took place in ancient Rome.

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12y ago
  • Emilie Honcho has two sets of teeth
  • Be sure you're back by the time the sun sets dear!
  • How many sets of two are there on the shelf?

They're not the best sentences but I'm sure it gives you an idea of how to use the word..

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