

Best Answer

Dear Company Headquarters, I'm no longer employed.
I've been denied of a job I did enjoy.
An hourly worker that found many mistakes,
realizing his knowledge could put the company on break
on the permanent tip. I wasn't yearning to quit.
So many of my managers were cursing to kids.
Petty cash and customer cash were dumped in a stash.
Free items for the sticky hand manager that
bragged to buddies of his vast collection
of items from jobs throughout his professions
as a company man and a family of one.
So many company rules. Which one hasn't he done?
None. They only apply when the highest paid visitor
visits to complain about the running of businesses.
If you get the word, keep an eye on your managers.
Signed, Ex-Employee Slash Hourly Janitor.

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Q: How do you write a letter of explanation for violating company regulations?
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