

How does Hinduism influence culture?

Updated: 8/19/2023
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9y ago

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it doesn't. the people following the religion go about their daily lives like the rest of us. they are no different from us in what they eat, wear, ext... they are the same as the rest of us with no difference what so ever.

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The "karmic effect" of life was first postulated by the Rishis or sages of Hindu religion. As a result, most children growing up in India who follow the Hindu religion are taught to be kind and loving to everyone so that they will not reap the negative effects of their action in this life. Although there are many Hindus who believe that the karma they do in their previous life also affects them in this life, there are many who see the results of their action in this life too.

When Hindus see the violence and terrorism that is created by a few in the name of God, they instinctively know that these people are not going to "heaven" but they will see hell in this lifetime itself.

Due to the negative influences of the Caste System, many of the darker people (who were part of the lower caste or untouchables) suffered for a long time. Gandhi and a few other benevolent people realized the negative fallout of the caste system and worked to bring equality to the masses. Some remnants of caste system still lingers among the older population and one can only hope that discrimination will die with them.

Gandhi also emphasized the importance of non-violence and the fact that the Universe is capable of rewarding or punishing each individual according to their actions.

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10y ago

Hinduism have influenced world in different aspects. Here I try to give some heads.

1. Tolerance: Hinduism set an example to the world so as how we can live amicably with others who adheres to different faiths. This was the main theme of Swami Vivekananda's Chicago address.

2. Philosophy : Hindu philosophy (Vedanta philosophy) had caught the attention of great western philosophers like Schopenhauer. This has resulted in new branches of philosophy like Integral Philosophy and integral psychology.

3. Science: Many a great scientists like Nikola Tesla, Erwin Schrodinger, Wigner, Robert Oppenheimer were influenced by the Vedanta philosophy. It is believed that the in-determinism model of quantum physics (CHI) was influenced by the agnostic principles of the Upanishads.

3.1. Computing: Grammar is one of the central part of Hindu philosophy. It is studied as Vedanga (limb of Veda).

The great Hindu grammarian Panini is widely acknowledged to have written the first structured formal system. This form of algorithmic approach had influenced scientists like Emil Post, Backus etc to develop Panini-Backus forms of language later it went to become B and C languages.

3.2 Mathematics: In construction of temples Indians needed geometry so they searched theorems of geometry necessary for this purpose. Sulba Sutras are the oldest extant books on geometry. The book contains approximate value of pi, Pythagora's theorem and triplets apart from geometrical figures like square, rectangle and square. In Jainism (which is related to Hinduism) a system called Vikalpa led to the development permutation and combinations and thus gave birth to the whole branch of combinatorics.

Although concept of zero, decimal system (Bhaskaracharya II), mathematical analysis (by Kerela school of mathematics) originated in India but they do not directly belong to religious corpus.

Ahimsa: Non - violence is an Indian concept. Hindu Rishis have taught the world non - violence. Siddhartha Gautama and Mahavir Jain further enhanced the idea of Ahimsa and taught the world of its practice. Concept of love in Christianity is closely related to it.

Yoga: Yoga is perhaps the most popular of core Hinduistic concepts. Yoga is one of the six orthodox schools of Hinduism. Yoga and meditation has been proved to improve blood circulation and improve the mental health. Meditation improves memory and vitality. All over the world people have embraced Yoga and meditation.

Medical science: Medical science is a part of Veda known as Ayurveda. Indian physician Susruta (father of plastic surgery) pioneered plastic surgery. Ayurveda enlisted a lot of medicinal herbs that has drawn the attention of the world towards herbal products. Today Neem is used as a bio-pesticide, medicine etc was first described in the ancient Ayurvedic texts.

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THATS WOT IM TRYING TA WORK out. 4 homework. is a rubbish site

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