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Gastric juices are used to digest food. Enzymes contained in gastric juice, such pepsin, in an acid environment of the stomach. Acid is needed to activate protease, an enzyme that breaks down proteins into amino acids so they can be absorbed by the stomach and taken to the liver. Thus, food will be more easily absorbed into the body.

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Pepsin- a kind of Gastric Gas which is an acid and gets the protein of the food you have eaten in your stomach.

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by breaking it down jack

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Q: How does gastric juices act on food in the stomach?
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Where food is mixed with gastic juice?

Gastric juices act solely in the stomach. By the time foodstuffs enter the small intestines, it is already a mash.

What are gastric acid inhibitors?

Gastric acid inhibitors are medications that reduce the production of stomach acid. They are different from antacids, which act on stomach acid after it has been produced and released into the stomach.

In what structure do proteases first act on food?


Why stomach not considered a gland?

it is because most glands release the so called hormones or digestive juices,as in the case of liver, away from its origin.But stomach never releases any hormones and the digestive juices release by it act at the same site without transferring it to any other parts.

What class of food does the enzyme secreted by stomach act on?

Proteins are the nutrients that are digested by the enzyme pepsin, sectreted by the stomach.

Is an irritation of the stomach lining an ulcer?

ya,because when the digestive juice which is secreted by our stomach and no food is there to act on it,it touches the lining of our stomach and irritate it

What happen in the stomach?

The stomach is involved in the initial absorption of nutrients from ingested food. The mouth and teeth break food into smaller pieces which aids digestion by increasing the surface area to volume ratio, but the the actual break down of food into something accessible for absorption takes place in the stomach where gastric acids and enzymes act on the food. The stomach lining secretes the gastric acid (mainly hydrochloric acid) which both hydrolyzes simple compounds and activates the peptic enzymes into their active forms. Large proteins are broken into smaller proteins.

What is the function of pancreatic juice?

Pancreatic juices are produced in the pancreas. They act on all the main food groups, breaking them down.

What act like a mixer in your digestive system?

I believe it is your stomach that acts like a mixer because it breaks food down.

What is the mechenical digestion in the stomach?

There are three muscular layers within the stomach (longitudinal, transverse and oblique) that act to turn over and mix the food.

What happens to food before it enters your stomach?

Once food enters your mouth, saliva begins to break it down. When you swallow, the food moves down your esophagus to your stomach. The act of swallowing is also called deglutition.

What is the process of the stomach?

the stomach is a vital part of the digestive stomach it is a bag like structure it h has the upper part known as the cardiac stomach guarded by the cardiac spincter and the middle part known as the fundic stomach and thelast known as the pyloric stomach guarded by the pyloric spincter. the wals of the stomach contain mucus cells secreting mucous the oxyntic cells secreting HCl and the gastric galnds secreting gastric juice