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Q: How does glycoprotien cause red blood cells to clump?
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What in the blood is the cause for the blood to clot?

White blood cells help clot the blood. Low PH makes red blood cells clump together

Agglutination of red blood cells means?

they clump together

What is Sickle Cell Disease caused by?

Abnormal hemoglobin in your blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein in the blood cells that allows the cells to carry oxygen and gives them their red color. The abnormal hemoglobin causes the cells to turn from their usual donut shape to a C or sickle shape.

Would the normal red blood cells or sickle cells be better at transporting oxygen?

The normal red blood cells would be better because sickled red blood cells clump and are not circulated as well as normal red blood cells are.

Does Lupus cause pateletts to clump?

SLE does not itself cause platelets to clump. However, a related comorbid disorder called Hughes disease aka antiphospholipid syndrome does cause "sticky blood".

What is known to cause unregulated cell growth that may cause a clump of cells to form?

cancer. all it is is uncontrolled mitosis

What causes platelet to clump?

Positively charged Fats, proteins platelets and toxins in the blood get in between negatively charged red blood cells, causing the red blood cells to stick together.

Why is blood type checked before blood transfusion?

If it is the wrong type, the red blood cells of the person clump together . Clots form in the blood vessels, and the person dies.

Why is blood type checked before a transfusion?

If it is the wrong type, the red blood cells of the person clump together . Clots form in the blood vessels, and the person dies.

How does the body protect itself after being cut?

When the body is cut, platelets and white blood cells move to the area of the cut. The white blood cells fight infection by producing antibodies that can join with any bacteria that has entered the site. The antibodies will bind to the bacteria and cause them to clump, and other white blood cells will break down this mass. Platelets in the blood help to clot the wound so that it can heal

What benefit plants might get by causing red blood cells to clump together?

Plants don't have red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the heart and lungs of animals, not plants. Plants take in CO2 and expel O2, so plants don't need red blood cells.

How does interferon protect us from H1N1?

it help your blood cells clump up when you bleed and it helps to keep your blood moving. i dont think it really helps at all