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Iodine sublimes- i.e it changes from solid to gas without going though a liquid phase.

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10y ago

When heated gently solid iodine sublimates to produce a vapour. Please see the link.

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10y ago

Pure solid iodine will sublimate directly into a gas. At normal conditions it has no liquid state. The gas will be purple in color.

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A substance that exists as a solid at ordinary temperature but changes to vapour on heating?

Iodine and ammonium salts sublime, their vapours then turn back into solids when cooled down. To see the sublimation, heat some iodine in a china dish and place a funnel upside down above the vapours (violet). The heated vapours become solid on contact with the funnel wall.

When iodine is heated?

when iodine is heated it gives voilet vapours

Which halogen sublimes to violet vapours?

iodine is the only halogen in solid form. so it is the halogen which gives violet vapours on sublimation...

What vapor colors does iodine have?

violet vapours

What is an example of the gaseous state of matter?

Examples: water vapours, nitrogen, helium, iodine vapours, oxygen, xenon etc.

Why is Iodine used in Gram staining?

Iodine is added as a mordant to enhance crystal violet staining by forming a crystal violet-iodine complex.

What is the difference between iodine crystals and iodine solution?

Iodine crystal is solid Iodine. Iodine solution is when Iodine crystals are dissolved in water.

Is iodine crystal an ionic or molecular crystal?

it has molecular crystals

Describe the bonding in a crystal of iodine?

iodine is made from diatomic iodine molecules,the two iodine atoms are covalently bonded with each other.the iodine molecules have dispersion forces so,the crystal is made from the dispersion forces between the iodine molecule.

What are the Spray reagents for visualize colerless compound in TLC?

Iodine vapours can be used as spray reagent in TLC

What is appearance crystal iodine?

The appearance of iodine crystals: lustrous, metallic, gray.

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