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I have included a link, identifying the impact of the BP oil spill on fishing in the Gulf of Mexico. The immediate impact of the spill is theree was a ban in a large areas of the Gulf of Mexico to fishing (primarily shrimping).

Water bodies have in general, an ability to recouperate from environmental damage, if the damage is not too severe. The long term consequences of the BP oil spill on the marine ecosystem will be studied by many scientists.

See related link. You may also want to look at other information on the Exxon Valdez and Gulf War oil spills and their impact.

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11y ago

As an oil spill spreads it has the rather large chance to kill and poison the producers at the bottom of the food chain. This in turn will cause every other animal within the food web to die because the no longer have there source of food, and though people don't realize it that includes humans to.

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Q: How does oil spills affect the food chain in the marine ecosystem?
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