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Q: How does the smell of a scented candle to spread through a room?
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Does a scented candle burn faster then a unscented candle?

It shouldn't unless something added to it makes it burn faster. Even a non-scented candle really has a smell, the smell of melting wax.

Why does a scented candle smell stronger when lit than when unlit?

Because when lit the heat vapourises the scent.

Do they make grape scented candles?

Yes, there are many Candle Companies that make candles that smell like grapes or maybe even sweet grapes. You just have to look around and find the best Candle company for you. There are some candle owners that can make you a grape scented candle just for you by requesting a special scent.

Are candles scented candle harmful to your health?

Well, some are. Basically if you pick one up in a store and smell it, it won't harm you. If you burn a scented candle in your home, most of the time, it won't harm you. If you have asyma, yes, it is harmful to your health

How are candles scented?

Aromatic oils are added to the raw ingredients that make up the candle during the manufacturing process - the burning wick evaporates the oils - making the candle smell nice !

Does a strong smell from a scented candle burning smell even worse to a dog?

Impossible to tell as dogs cannot speak and we have no way of telling. Sorry to disappoint you. I'm sad as well.

Why does scented candles burn faster then unscented candles?

Because scented candles are scented using a chemical smell that will make the flame burn more through the candles wax.

What brand of scented candle works the best?

It's not the candle, but a good wick in the candle. Stay with the soft smells (which you can obviously smell.) Vanilla can be a sickening smell while peony or other softer scents and lime/lemon can have a refreshing smell. Scented candles should never be used around food or while eating at a dining room table. I have found that so many of my friends have allergies I get the non scented candles instead. I simply open my doors to let in some fresh air. Earlier on before guests come you can Fabreeze your couches, rugs, etc. (with a door open) to freshen things up.

Can compounds be broken down into elements by physical means?

Compounds cannot be broken down physically but can be broken down chemically.

Which candles smell the best for someone who like pumpkins?

Yankee Candle Company, Candle Science, and Siera Mountain Candle Company all have wonderfully pumpkin scented candles with flavors like Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Souffle and Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, respectively.

You can smell a burning scented candle across a room because?

the liquid vaporizes and the resulting gas molecules wander about the room

What are scented markers?

Scented markers are basically markers the smell. They could smell like strawberry or banana. Hope this helps