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how does a vocuole work.

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Q: How does the vacuole work with other organelles?
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What organelles work as storage tanks for the cell?

the vacuole

What is the relationship between vacuole and organelles?

yes there are many relationships between organelles in cells. the work together to function the cell.

What other organelles central vacuole in plant cells help work?

it helps to store food 4 them when funn

What other organelles does the cell work with?

There are several organelles that the cell nucleus works with. The cell nucleus works with the centriole, centrosome, lysosome, mitochondria, vacuole, ribosomes, and the endoplasmic reticulum.

Cell lacking a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles?


What are the parts of an ameoba?

Nucleus , cytoplasm , food vacuole , contractile vacuole ,pseudopodia , plasma membrane and other eukaryotic organelles .

How big is the vacuole in comparison to other organelles?

its big but not that big compared to the nucleus

How are undigested nutrients in a vacuole made available to a cell?

The vacuole transports nutrients throughout the cell in vesicles and transports them to other organelles.

Which organelles store food?

The vacuole.

Is it true that Mitochondria are double membrane organelles.?

No,it is not the only organelle. Many other organelles have double membranes. Ex: Chloroplast,lysosoem,vacuole etc

Saclike organelles that store materials?

The sac-like organelles that store materials are the lysosomes. These small structures are used to store water, sugar, and food for the plant.

What is organelles that contain digestive chemicals?
