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Q: How far apart are the closest stars seen up in the night sky?
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When are stars seen?

Stars are normally seen at night. However, our Sun is also a star and it is seen during the day. So stars can be seen at anytime.

Does Saturn have any stars other than the Sun?

Saturn is part of our solar system, in which the sun is the only star. In terms of the stars seen at night; they are the same stars seen in the night sky of Earth.

What are the altitudes of stars when they are seen halfway in the sky?

The altitude of stars does not change, no matter where they are seen in the sky. The closest star is about 25 TRILLION miles away from Earth (not counting the sun)

How did stars appear?

Stars in the sky appear at night time. If it is cloudy outside, stars will not be able to be seen by the naked eye. The moon also appears at night time.

What are celestial bodies seen at night called?


Are the stars you see at night from other galaxies?

No. All the stars you see at night are in our galaxy. Stars in other galaxies are much too far away to be seen without a powerful telescope.

How many stars can be seen in the night sky by any one observer at any time?

It may surprise you to know that only about 6,000 stars can be seen without a telescope at any one time in the night sky.

Why stars are only seen at night?

Whether during the day or the night, stars are still there in the sky. It is that in daylight, it is impossible to see the stars and the moon due to the glare from the sky. Only during the darkness of night does stars and the moon becomes visible to the human eyes.

What objects in the space are seen in the night?

Moon, planets, stars, now and then a comet.

Why can you see planets and stars on a night?

The reason you can see planets and stars at night is that their light is faint and the brightness of the sun obscures them during the day. At night, when the sun is not visible, the fainter light from the planets and stars can more readily be seen.

Are the stars only visible at night?

Yes. But there are stars in the morning, it just cannot be seen. That is because the sun is brighter than the stars, while in the night, the moon is a reflection of the sun (light) so the stars are brighter and is clearly visible.

How does the size of the sun compare to the stars?

The sun is bigger than some stars, but it is smaller than some stars too. The sun is the brightest star that is closest to earth, causing it to be seen daily.