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Q: How is customer lifetime value is related with customer dissatisfaction?
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What is Ltv in advertising?

LTV is Lifetime value. LTV refers to the value of a customer over his lifetime. Businesses with recurring revenue (subscriptions) have a higher lifetime value than less frequent purchases (homes).

What is customer equity and How can a company increase its customer equity?

Value of potential future revenue generated by a company's customers in a lifetime. A company with high customer equity will be valued at a higher price than a company with a low customer equity.

Are customer value threshold and customer value proposition and value offering point the same thing?

No they are not all the same thing. A customer value threshold is the max the customer values something. A customer value proposition is the value proposed by the customer, which is the same as a value offering.

What is the concept of customer value?

Customer value is one of key aspects of marketing.

What is the difference between total customer value and total customer cost?

The difference between total customer value and total customer cost is__________.

What is customer delivered value?

Marketing is about meeting the needs of your targeted market, but also providing them with a value. this value is determined when subtracting the benefits a customer gets from the product with the the customer costs he does to get it. So for instance, if a customer looks for the image value, he has to see the costs he will incur to get it.

Explain why increasing the lifetime value of a customer is an inexpensive way to secure the future of an enterprise and the four ways to do this?

greater financial growth, with respect to profits, greater likleyhood of long term buisness success

What is customer value?

Customer value is benefits and costs that customers get. Customers choose products according to value that the company create for themselves.

How does marketing function determine customer value?

Marketing function determines customer value because it refers to the value of the item the customer receives. The value means how good an item is not how much it costs. With marketing function the function of the market is basically how good an item can be used by a customer.

Discuss the concept of customer value?

customer value means that the company or the organization provide the customize products according to the demand and will of the customers which provide the customer loyalty.

Discuss the Concept of customer value and its importance to successful marketing?

discuss the concept of customer value and its importance to markeking

How can you use the words customer value in a sentence?

We strive to make the customer value us more than our competitors.