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A clear odourless hygroscopic syrupy liquid, CH3CH(OH)COOH, with a sour taste; r.d. 1.206; m.p. 18°C; b.p. 122°C. It is prepared by the hydrolysis of ethanal cyanohydrin or the oxidation of propan-1,2-diol using dilute nitric acid. Lactic acid is manufactured by the fermentation of lactose (from milk) and used in the dyeing and tanning industries. It is an alpha hydroxycarboxylic-acidscarboxylicacid.

Lactic acid is produced from pyruvic acid in active muscle tissue when oxygen is limited and subsequently removed for conversion to glucose by the liver. During strenuous exercise it may build up in the muscles, causing cramplike pains. It is also produced by fermentation in certain bacteria and is characteristic of sour milk.

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11y ago

your cells don't use oxygen to respire aerobicly ( oxygen + glucose -> CO2 + water + energy) because it is all used up, so they convert glucose directly to energy which has the bi product of lactic acid ( Glucose -> Lactic acid + energy).

After the activity you breathe heavily because you need to work off the 'oxygen debt by converting the painful lactic acid into CO2 and water (Oxygen + Lactic acid -> CO2 + water).

So the simple answer is there isn't enough oxygen for aerobic respiration.

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11y ago

Lactic acid builds up in muscle cells due to prolonged glycolysis during exercise when 02 is inefficient for the krebs cycle. So, in order to produce ATP, the muscle cells resort to glycolysis. However, this process produces lactic acid as a side-product. It builds up in the muscle when it's uptake rate into the liver is less than it's production rate, thus producing the "burns" that exercise-loving people love so much.

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14y ago

Lactic acid is produced in white muscle fiber due to anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration is carried out without oxygen and so the sugar is broken down to lactic acid instead of undergoing the citric acid cycle after glycolysis.

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13y ago

Lactic acid can be produced naturally or syntheticly. it is produced by fermantation

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6y ago

When you run you don't always use the oxygen and so because of this the body makes a sign to tell you to stop and breathe.

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12y ago

it is produced when the person has been affected by asotopictomen, it is a special word for i have no clue

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Q: How is lactic acid produced in muscles?
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What acid causes muscles to ache produced by milk?

Lactic acid causes muscles to ache

What is produced in your muscles when they perform fermentation?

Lactic acid + energy

What is produced in your muscles when there isn't enough oxygen?

Lactic acid

When would your muscles produce lactic acid?

The muscles build lactic acid when you're doing strenuous exercise.

Which of the following is a toxin produced in the muscles during strenuous activities?

lactic acid

What substance produced by alcoholic fermentation makes your muscles hurt?

Lactic Acid

What is the function of lactic acid fermentation?

It allows muscles to function when there is not enough oxygen available (the lactic acid produced by this reaction results in the "burn" you feel when you exercise)

What is an organic substance produced when a muscle is generating energy in the absence of oxygen?

Lactic Acid. when too much accumulates, your muscles become sore.

In the absence of oxygen what builds up in the muscles?

Lactic Acid, which is toxic and accounts for the burn felt during exercise. Hence the expression: No Pain No Gain.

What builds up in muscles after a few seconds of intense activity?

Lactic acid is produced by muscles during intense activity. The human body has a way of removing the lactic acid. When the production of lactic acid overcomes the body's ability to remove it, a side stitch commonly occurs.Regular exercise can improve the body's ability to cope with lactic acid buildup.

Builds in muscles due to fermentation?

Lactic Acid is produced during extended muscle contraction by fermentation.

Lactic acid and heat are the by-products of aerobic or anaerobic exercise?

Yes, both are. During exercise lactic acid is produced faster than the tissues ability to remove it resulting in an excess of lactic acid. This results in the "burn" felt in your muscles. The by-products of the metabolization of glucose are heat and lactic acid.