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Cord blood transplant has three phases. Before the transplant, a person undergoes a series of evaluations, preparative procedures and be kept inside a room with filtration system. Just think the person's immune system is restarted before infusing new blood cells inside your system. The recovery period is a period of high-risks complications but a person is expected to get better after a year or so. Successful stories of cord blood transplant can be read at the blog attached.

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Q: How is leukemia treated by cord stem cell?
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What organs have been treated using blood from the umbilical cord?

umbilical cord cell are stem cells that can be used to make other organs the cells are hematopic stem cells

How is luekemia treated?

Leukemia is a very serious condition. It is a cancer of the blood cells. Treatment includes watchful waiting, chemotherapy, stem cell transplant, and radiation therapy.

What are umbilical cord blood stem cells used for?

The benefit of having a umbilical cord in a cord blood bank is that they can be used for future use. The cord can be used for transplants which helps to treat diseases of the blood and immune systems.

How might stem cells help when the spinal cord is damaged?

The stem cell uses the special regenerative cells which will help when the spinal cord is damaged.

What are stem cell transplants?

Stem cell transplant is the process in which diseased cells are replaced by the stem cells collected at the time of birth from umbilical cord blood or bone marrow.

How can one find out more about the benefits of using stem cell cord blood?

A person can find more information about the benefits of using stem cell cord blood from several different places. Some of these places include Cord Blood Registry and ViaCord.

What medical uses could umbilical cord blood?

Umbilical cord blood are used in stem cell transplant to cure malignant diseases such as cancers (Acute Leukemia, Chronic Leukemia, Hodgkin & Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Myelodysplastic Syndrome), blood disorders, immune disorders, metabolic disorders, brain injury. cerebral palsy, type-1 diabetes and hearing loss.

Which of these is the BEST source of stem cells and minimizes the risk associated with stem cell transplantation?

C) stem cells preserved from the umbilical cord of the person

What are the most recent advancements in leukemia research?

One of the most recent advancements in the leukemia research field is the identification of leukemia stem cell specific antigens. This should help with the creation of better targeted treatments.

What is the goal of stem cell research?

The goal of stem cell research is to find a way for the stem cell to differentiate in order to repair the specific patient's problem- whether that be a spinal cord injury, genetic disease, diabetes, etc.

What are some of the big names in cord blood stem cell research?

The University of Minnesota has recently been able to reverse the effects of stroke through the use of umbilical cord blood. Scientists are discovering many new ways for cord blood stem cell research to be used.

Which organisation in Detroit, MI helps with cord blood donation ?

I think National Cord Blood Stem Cell Bank can helps with cord blood donation