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The danger zone for food is between 4 degrees and 60 degrees. Any perishable food that has been in between those two temperatures for longer than four hours has a high risk of bacterial growth and should never be eaten. When thawing any food the safest practice is to do it the refrigerator to avoid that danger zone.

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Q: How long can frozen cooked poultry be left without refrigeration?
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How long does a defrosted turkey have to be cooked?

Poultry, turkey or chicken, is cooked 20 min. per pound. Multiply the number of pounds by 20 min. It is best to only cook defrosted poultry. Semi-frozen poultry will not cook evenly. If cooked for the number hours/min. per pound chances are the interior of a semi- frozen chicken or turkey will still be frozen while the outside is cooked.

20pound cooked ham with bone frozen how long to defrost?

2 days under refrigeration.

What is poultry product?

A poultry product, in mainstream supermarkets, is either chicken, or turkey products, which can be sold whole, or in parts, breadded, pre-cooked, or even frozen.

What is the thing that if cooked frozen?

The thing if cooked frozen is that thing you cooked frozen.

Can you freeze poultry dressing before cooking?

You can safely freeze dressing before or after it is cooked.

How are foods fast-frozen?

Foods are fast-frozen through refrigeration.

If chop meat was frozen then cooked can it be refrozen?

Food which has been cooked can be frozen, even if it was frozen prior to cooking. BUT Frozen food which has been thawed, but not cooked, should never be re-frozen. Nor should food which was cooked, frozen and thawed.

How long will poultry keep in freezer?

You can freeze uncooked chicken pieces for up to nine months, and whole uncooked chicken up to one year. It's best to use sealable plastic freezer bags for freezing uncooked or cooked poultry. You can freeze cooked chicken for about four months. Soups, stews and the like which contain cooked chicken may be frozen for 2 to 3 months.

Can you eat black beans without being cooked?

yes if frozen its best to not eat them their icy and they are crunchy

Can a leftover cooked smoked ham that has not been previously frozen be frozen?

Yes, you can safely freeze ham after it has been cooked. After thawing the same frozen cooked ham, it is unsafe to freeze it again.

Can you warm up frozen cooked chicken?

yes you can unfreeze frozen food that has been already cooked and eat it

Do Burger King stores cook their meat on site or is it cooked frozen and reheated?

The meat arrives raw and frozen and is cooked via broiler from that frozen state.