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3 hours, im going off of an inference that my friend stated. hope its right.....

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Q: How long can you keep homemade potato pancakes in the refrigerator?
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Can you keep homemade perogies in the microwave instead of in the refrigerator if you are eating them the next day?

No. They should be refrigerated.

How many days can you keep a baked potato in the frig?

Cooked foods only last a few days in the refrigerator. Potatoes spoil fast after they are cooked. 3 to 4 days is all a baker will keep in the refrigerator.

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It will probably separate if you freeze it. It should keep well in the refrigerator without freezing.

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Should last a few days in the fridge, I wouldn't keep it longer than a week.

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Keep them in the refrigerator but not in water, just in a sealed container.

Why you should keep the blood in the refrigerator?

to keep it fresh

How long will a baked potato keep after cooked?

Just about two weeks, if you keep it in the refrigerator, without cutting it up or anything (providing your refrigerator can keep other food from spoiling, i.e., maintain proper temperature).

Why do you need the refrigerator?

You need the refrigerator so you can keep food fresh for longer periods of time. You can keep almost anything in it.

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You should keep a defrosted ham in the refrigerator. It will last in the refrigerator for between three and five days.

What keeps low the temperature in refrigerator?

temperature keep low the temperature of the refrigerator

What is potato pancakes?

Potato Pancake is a type of potato recipe that is usually flat in a circular or square shaped manner. Potato pancakes are usually comprised of Potato flour or actual cut potatoes. There are many techniques to making a potato pancake, such as dipping a large slice of a potato in batter then deep frying it to make a flat cake. Other techniques involve baking and even grilling them. Potato Pancakes are accompanied usually by meat, such as steak or chicken. Some Chefs prefer to use some butter and Scallions to flavor the potato. You can ground up the potato, or more commonly know as "Mashing" after you boil the potatoes on a stovetop then straining the water out, then you can add 1 Tbsp. of butter, some salt is optional and cheddar cheese is used. Then you mix up the potatoes and the mixture in a mixing bowl until thoroughly mixed, from there you can get a baking sheet out and lay down Pancake-like segments in round or square shapes then baking it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit until they crisp and turn golden. That is the most common type of it, you can be creative and try different spices and cheeses and even shape the cakelets into stars if you want, and when you bake them keep a close eye on them so you don't overcook them.

Where do you keep homemade cookies fresh?

In an airtight container.