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The conventional wisdom is 15-20 mins per pound at 325F.

I usually do about a 25lb bird and it takes me less than the 8 hours that you'd think though, so who knows. Plan for 6 - you can get away with cooking @ 350F, especially if you've brined, etc. I like to remove the cover of the closed pan for the last hour - crisps up the skin.

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Q: How long do you cook a 25 lb turkey for in a closed pan?
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What is the correct temperature to cook a turkey?

325 degrees

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6-8 minutes.

How can I barbecue a turkey?

I personally have barbecued a turkey, and it is very good. I have used a rotisserie, but if you do not have one, you can cook it in a pan right on the grill. Make sure it is placed evenly over the burners, and the temperature should be at about 300 to 325 degrees. You will cook your turkey approximately 20 minutes per pound and the internal temperature should be 165F.

What is an easy turkey recipe?

Preheat oven to 350 F. Put turkey in large roasting pan, and season with salt and pepper. Cook in preheated over covered for 2 hours, uncover and cook until golden brown. Using a meat thermometer make sure your turkey has reach 74 C internal temperature. Eat.

How do you slow down the cooking of your turkey?

I asume you mean the turkey is cooked on the outside but raw in the middle, cover the bird with foil to stop the skin burning, add some water to the roasting pan to create steam which will help keep the bird moist, turn down your oven, then slowly cook the turkey until it is done.

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You don't if your Italian !! Use an oven or frying pan or BBQ !!

How long to bake brownies in a 11 x 7 pan?

18 to 20 minutes or Until a toothpick inserted into the center of the brownies comes out clean

How long do you cook a turkey meatloaf?

Depends on how big it is. As a rule you should cook a 5lb meatloaf in a loaf pan for about 1 and a half hours at 325F. Cover with foil unless you put ketchup or catsup on top of it - you can brown it wen it's cooked. Best thing to do is to get a thermometer, once the meatloaf hits 160-165F internally then it should be moist and juicy and cooked. See my blog for the best turkey meatloaf recipe ever and for amazing and original turkey recipes.

Can you cook a partially frozen turkey left out to finish defrosting overnight if it is still cold in the morning?

Yes you can. The amount of time directed on the turkey for cooking time will need to be extended by 1 hour at 350. Most people put a little bit of water in the botom of the pan so you would have to add less water to compensate for the water left in the turkey. Please make sure the bird if fully cook so no contaimination is present... Cook safe.

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You unwrap the packaging and lay them out on a baking pan and cook them for as long as the directions say.

What was a pan used for?

too cook.

What do you cook spaghetti sauce in?

a pan