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Total Time from Seed To Harvest In Egypt = (Time For Crop to Grow Normally) + (Time to Travel To Egypt To Plant Seeds) + (Time To Return To Egypt When Crop is ready to Harvest)

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Q: How long does it take to grow crop from seed to harvest in Egypt?
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What are the worst methods of harvesting trees?

You either harvest the crop of fruit from the tree, which is a long term reward or you cut down the tree and harvest the wood in a one time crop.

What happens when you don't get to harvest your crop at it's designated time how long will it take before they wilt or die?

Farmville gives you however long it takes to grow the crop. For example, if you are growing tomatoes which take 8 hours, you get an additional 8 hours after they are ready before they wilt.

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Well, if you plant a crop that takes one day to be ready for harvest, one day after it is ready, it will wither.

How does the energy available in plants affect the timing of the farmers harvest of their grain crop?

Crops are harvested to provide energy for various sources but usually as a foodstuff for humans or animals. As crops grow and develop the amount of energy stored in the crop also increases and the farmer has to judge when the levels of energy stored is at its likely maximum level as this will be the optimum time to harvest. If allowed to grow too long the crop starts to use its own energy reserves to develop seeds etc and energy levels start to fall and if not allowed to mature enough before harvest then levels of energy may be lower then expected when harvested.

In Harvest Moon DS how long does it take for a pineapple to grow?

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How long does it take for a crop to grow in colonial New Jersey?

It depends on the crop. It might be as little as a few weeks or as long as several years.

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A long time

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45-55 days from planting to first harvest.

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it takes about 2 or 3 weeks

How long will it take for your child to grow up on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

A year after they are born

How long does it take for Cabbages to grow in Harvest Moon DS?

It takes 15 Days, It does not Regrow Either.

How long does it take for your child to grow in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

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