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The Bible does not say. Scholars such as Leon R. Kass (The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis) say we can learn most from the story by regarding it as a mythical yet realistic portrait of permanent truths about our humanity, rather than as a historical yet idealised portrait of a blissful existence we once enjoyed but lost. In other words, Adam and Eve are symbolic, not real people, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil never really existed, so the question is unanswerable.

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Q: How long were Adam and Eve in the garden before eating of the tree?
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It is my personal belief that Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden a long time before they ate the forbidden fruit.

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Eating the fruit from the forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden caused Adam and Eve to gain knowledge of good and evil, leading to their expulsion from paradise as a consequence of disobeying God's command not to eat from that tree.

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Jesus was never in the Garden of eden , it was the garden of Gethsemane.

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According to Abrahamic religious teaching, the Garden of Eden; the exact location of the Garden has never been agreed upon.

How long did Adam live in the garden?

One thought:The Bible says that Adam was 930 years old(Genesis 5:5) when he died, but does not specify how long he'd been out of the garden by then. We DO know that he had no children WITHIN the garden, but only AFTER they were expelled. OUTSIDE the garden, we know that Cain and Abel were the first sons born(Genesis 3:23-4:1), and that Eve did not have their THIRD son, Seth, until Adam was 130 years old(Genesis 5:3-5), so we can guess that he wasn't in the Garden all that long...maybe even under 100 years...

According to the Bible how long did Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden?

It is not explained in the Bible. So, it can be seven days, or seven thousand years, depending on your computation on how long a day is; human day/24hrs, or, God's day/1000yrs. Adam was created on the sixth day and God rested on the seventh day. It was after this that Adam and Eve fell and were removed from the Garden of Eden. The Scriptures do not reveal how long after God rested that Adam and Eve fell.

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In Christian theology, Lucifer is often associated with the fallen angel Satan. According to the Bible, Jesus predates all creation as the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity. Therefore, Jesus existed before Lucifer/Satan in this theological framework.

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How many years did Adam and Eve live together as husband and wife?

Genesis 5:5 says that Adam lived 930 years.Eve's age is not mentioned in the Bible, but Adam had apparently lived long enough alone to get to know his garden home (Genesis 2:15), and name all the animals(Genesis 2:19, 20), before Eve came on the scene.