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Because a tank is never filled to the brim and usually has at least 1 inch of gravel and several rocks I would assume the tank actually holds around 50 gals of water when in use. If you follow the basic rules of sucessfull fishkeeping you won't go far wrong. The rules are. :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Stick to the above rules and your fish stand a chance of survival. Fail to look after the fishes water as above and I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will live a much shorter life than it should.

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14y ago

No tank is ever filled to its maximum capacity. So first I'd assume that you have left the top inch of the tank without water and that your tank will also have some gravel (substrate) at the base displacing some too. I guess that your tank will actually be holding nearer to 48 gallons. Different Mbuna cichlids grow to varying sizes so you would have to take into account the expected adult sizes of the species you intend to keep while observing the following rules. The basic rules for sucessfull fishkeeping are as follows. :- 1 inch of fish must have at least 1 gallon of water, a permanently running cycled filter and every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Your Mbunas will also need their water to be hard (over 20 ppm GH), alkaline (over pH8) and warm (over 75F).

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8y ago

You should stock your tank heavily, but keep enough specimens to the point where, at least, every specimen has its own housing item to hide in(Stump hides, Rock Formations, etc.). Most say to ALWAYS overstock your tank because they live in heavily populated colonies. That doesn't make the action necessarily right, considering that when wild Mbunas find themselves at the bottom of the hierarchy, some of the other low ranking mbunas bully that fish to the point where it has to leave and find or start another colony. Tank Mbunas cant do this, so they often get bullied to death. Also, distance small housing items away from each other. Mbunas are greedy when it comes to real estate. Or buy large housing items that can house multiple fish at a time(Like slate formations). And keep in mind, most Mbunas grow between 5-8 inches.

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9y ago

Different fish keepers will answer your question in different ways. But these are Da Fightn' Fish's words of wisdom:

"When it comes to Mbunas, despite what many fish keepers say, DON'T OVERSTOCK YOUR TANK. This only instigates more confrontation. Keep enough specimens to the point where, at most, every specimen has its own housing item to hide in.(Stump hides, Slate Formations, Rock Formations, etc.) Also, distance each housing item at least 5 inches away from each other. Mbunas are greedy when it comes to Real Estate. And keep in mind, most Mbunas grow between 5-8 inches."

-Avery "Da Fightn' Fish" Stephens

Da Fightn' Fish's tips on Mbuna care:

  • Do your research on the kinds of Mbuna you want to get.
  • After gravel or sand, before buying ANYTHING ELSE, buy hides, slate, and real or fake rock formations. (Buy a lot if you don't really know how many Mbunas you want up front. Keep in mind Mbunas are around 6 inches+ when their done growing.)
  • Place their hides, slate, and real or fake rock formations a fair distance away from each other.(For a 55+gallon tank, i recommend at least 5 inches of distance between each item. Mbunas are greedy over homes.)
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8y ago

You should stock your tank heavily, but keep enough specimens to the point where, at least, every specimen has its own housing item to hide in(Stump hides, Rock Formations, etc.). Most say to ALWAYS overstock your tank because they live in heavily populated colonies. That doesn't make the action necessarily right, considering that when wild Mbunas find themselves at the bottom of the hierarchy, some of the other low ranking mbunas bully that fish to the point where it has to leave and find or start another colony. Tank Mbunas cant do this, so they often get bullied to death. Also, distance small housing items away from each other. Mbunas are greedy when it comes to Real Estate. Or buy large housing items that can house multiple fish at a time(Like slate formations). And keep in mind, most Mbunas grow between 5-8 inches.

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Q: How many African mbuna cichlids can you keep in a 55 gallon tank?
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No way. Pacus come from the Amazon and their required water parameters (soft and acid) are as different from those required by African Cichlids (hard and alkaline) as could possibly be imagined. Pacus are not really suited to aquarium life anyway because they grow to well over 60 lbs in weight and are much too large for a tiny 20 gallon tank.

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African cichlids are PH 8.2 while babrbs are lower. You could acclimate the barb up or the Malawi down in PH but neither would do as well. Also, African cichlids are very aggressive and the barb, who is semi-aggressive, would probably not survive for long.

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The best PH level for cichlids is 6.8-7.2. In discuss cichlids, this level will be much lower (pleas note- discuss are VERY hard to keep).

How many more fish can i keep in my 20 gallon tank and what 1s i have 1 red tail shark 4 yoyo loach 8 Malawi cichlids 1 brisstlenose plec 1Hypostomus sonia?

Oh have way too many fish in your tank. Your fish will be feeling very crowded. If you only had 2 Malawi cichlids, the tank setup might be OK.

How many African cichlid can you put in a 10 gal tank?

None, you need at least 55 gallonsANS2:A 55-gallon tank would be nice but, you can keep cichlids in a small bowl. The rule of thumb is to not put any more fish in the tank than 1 inch of fish per gallon. Since cichlids like warm water, and since warm water does not hold oxygen as well as cooler water, you will want to reduce the number of fish that you put into a tall tank since there will be less surface area for the water to breathe. Also, you will have better results if your tank has good aeration. When you change water in the tank, avoid changing out more than 10% at a time because the growth of the fish will remain stunted by the buildup of hormones that they secrete into the water. If you change too frequently, the fish will outgrow the tank.

What are the common fish categories for keep in aquarium?

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Firemouth cichlid (Cichlasoma meeki) are fairly large fish growing out to about 6 inches. A reasonable sized tank for a pair of firemouths (and nothing else) would be 36 inch x 18 inch x 18inch. If you wish to keep other fish with them they will have to be fairly large fish. Select from the other mid sized cichlids from South America. You can not keep African cichlids with South American ones successfully. To house these types of largish fish you will probably need to have at least a 6 foot tank or larger.

What will eat guppys of all size?

Piranhas eat guppies like crazy but they're a little dangerous to keep. Oscars along with most of the other African cichlids will eat them too. Actually any predator type fish will eat them.

Can you keep 2 male albino African clawed frogs in a 20 gallon tank?

As long as you have your tank heavily planted, the frogs should be fine.

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You can try but I don't reccomend it. The cichlids are a lot more aggressive than the angels. My best bet is to keep the angels in a semi aggressive or peaceful community tank. But if you HAVE to put them with cichlids... Put them with South Americans at least

Can you keep just male cichlids in an aquarium?

Yes provided they are all of similar sizes and all require the same or very similar water parameters ie Africans with other Africans or Amazonians with Amazonians. Just remember the rule "1 inch of fish requires at least 1 gallon of water".