

Best Answer I really stink at math (I'm not precise) so I'll keep this simple; As a general rule, population groups follow the 20, 60, 20 principle regarding the bell curve. That is, 20% is very young, 60% is right in the middle aged 15 through 45, and 20% is old. By those figures, let me think... By all estimates, considering Jewish population growth (and who is considered "Jewish"), I would say the number is around 3.5 million. Although that number is not accurate; been a while since I stook stats, I did not sit down and ran this through a formula so don't take it as an exact figure. To figure out it out yourself; 1) Go to the CIA world factbook (google it), and look up "Israel." The population there, is the same as in the U.S. (Jewish) pretty much, and the age Demographics, terrorist casualties and all, generally match. 2) Turn the age demographic of the desired age group, into a decimal number. That is, if the age group forms 50% of the population, turn that into .5, then, take that number, and multiply it by the actual population. 3) Assume, given the zero population growth, that for every other couple, there is a 12 year old boy. Remember, females are half the population, so you need to halve everything. 4) Next, just run an estimate in your head. If you are an internet "nerd," I'm sure you're good at math, so you have a pretty good idea of what I want you to do. If you want a precise number, you will probably need to use all those figures in an algebraic form. I'm sure there is an algebra equation that can be used. You will need the population figures of the Jewish virtual library, the CIA world factbook's article on Israel, next, you will need to adjust for gender variables, and take into account the zero population growth of world Jewry. The answer you should come up with, should hover somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5 million. Good luck with your math sleuthing. [[User:|]]stardingo747

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