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In the imperial period a LEGION consisted of a body of about 5,500 in the imperial period (split into 10 COHORTS of 480 men each, with the first cohort at double strength; the remaining 220 being cavalry and technical staff. Legions were smaller in the Republican era, but they were split into MANIPLES rather than cohorts.

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Q: How many Roman men are in a cohort?
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How many soldiers are in Roman first cohort?

There were 800 soldiers in the first cohort of a Roman legion. The remaining nine cohorts had 480 men each.

What are the names of the roman army parts?

The Roman army was divided into legions which consisted of about 6,000 men when they were at full strength. The legion was divided into units called cohorts and the cohorts were further divided into centuries. There was another section or division called a contubernium, but this was not a fighting unit, it was a tent unit of eight men.

How many men was in the first cohort?

In a theoretic Imperial legion the first cohort would have consisted of double the 2-9 cohorts, so while a normal Cohort consisted of 400 odd men, the 1'st cohort had around 800 men. But taking into account of Deaths and Legionnaires on leave. it was rarely fully manned. the same can be said for the entire Legion

What was a group of Roman soldiers called?

The generic word for a soldier is "miles". However, Latin can be a very specific language and here are some adjectives that went along with the "miles" to indicate what soldier was being indicated. A "miles gregarius" was a common soldier, a private. A "miles pedes" was a foot soldier. and a "miles eques" was a horse soldier/cavalryman. A buddy, or a fellow soldier was a "miles commilito". If a man were in the marine corps he would be a "miles classicus".

How many Roman army men were in a Roman century?

Chain of command for a legion: (Note: A legion was usually comprised of 10 Cohorts, each cohort was made of about 6 centuries, each century had 80 men plus the centurion)Chain of Command:Legatus: Commander of the Legion, in charge of about 5,280 men.Primus Pilus: Supreme Centurion of a Legion, Senior Centurion of the First Cohort, in charge of about 960 men.Senior Centurion: Commander of a Cohort, in charge of about 480 men.Primi Ordine: A Centurion in Command of a Century in the First Cohort, in charge of about 80 men.Junior Centurion: Commander of a Century, in charge of about 80 men.File Leader: Basically the leader of a file in a Century, not necessarily a Commander, but just a soldier who did have slight authority of about 10 men in a file.

How many soldiers are in a detachment of roman soldiers?

Two, sniper and observer.

What is a cohort for the Romans?

a Cohort was the best sort of foot soldier the Romans had. they were a supreme unit on the battle field

How many men in the first cohort?

The first cohort of a century had 5 double size centuries instead of the 6 standards size centuries of cohorts 2 to 10. The double size centuries had 10 men each. This gives a total of 800 men.

What is a group of roman soldiers called?

Cohort , legion or maniple .

What name was given to a lager divistion of roman soldiers?

The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.The largest division of Roman soldiers was the legion, followed by the cohort, which in turn was followed by the century, The smallest division was the contuberium.

What were two units of Roman soldiers that were smaller than the legion called?

A legions was had 10 cohorts. Cohort 2 to 10 had six centuries each. the 1st cohort had 5 double sizes centuries.Thesmallestunit was the conternubium, a platoon of 8 men who shared a tent.

What was the largest division of the roman army called?

A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.A main military unit in the Roman empire was called a Legion. The Legion was divided into cohorts, and the cohorts were further divided into centuries.