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Q: How many Tudor houses still exist in gloucester?
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Do the Tudors still exist?

No, The last Tudor was Queen Elizabeth I and she had no children.

Do they still play Tudor football?

Yes, tudor football is still played by a small hardcore group of fans.

What is Tudor rose significance?

The Tudor Rose signifies the union of the two previously waring houses of York and Lancaster. One house sported the Red Rose (Lancaster) as its emblem and the other the White Rose (York). When Henry Tudor (of Lancaster) came to the throne as Henry VII, he married Elizabeth of York and merged the two roses (and the dynastic houses) into one and it became an important heraldic badge during the Tudor era that is still used to this day. The crowned Tudor Rose (white within the red) with a stalk and leaves is the Royal Badge of England and the uncrowned version is the proclaimed Floral Emblem of England.

Who was the last Tudor on earth?

The last Tudor monarch was Queen Elizabeth I. People with the family name "Tudor" are still on earth.

Did the Tudor houses have a upstairs?

Yes. Most had two, many had three, stories. Quite a number survive in varying degrees of originality, and are still lived in though obviously with modern interiors and conveniences.

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we still have some but if your thinking of the olden days Inuit like igloos... then that's starting not to exist the world gets older & things yet change now we have houses & they have actual houses we still have Inuits! they got real houses & their life style changed a bit from the past... =)

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No. He is currently playing for Gloucester

Are there houses in Mars?

None have been observed. It Martian houses do exist, they must be underground or very well concealed. ^ to the guy that posted above me. Nope, there are no houses. There maybe life-forms, but possibly tiny or invisible. Our technology is still in its advance stages

What Tudor inventions are still used today?

because of cheese

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yes, because we still exist

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yes it does still exist :)

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Yes, they still exist.